The truth will set you free.

Really? What does that mean?

I don't think I have found the truth yet, just some unsettling facts, but in my experience all I got from looking for the truth is anger and grief.

Is this what is supposed to "set me free"? Toothless rage???

Knowing what the fuck is going on and knowing that there is nothing I can do about it other than ranting on a meaningless little platform in a tiny corner of the internet?

Unless of course, the truth - which I have not found yet- is that

Our government is well meaning does not lie intentionally

Democracy is real and works

9/11 was done by Osama and his 40 goat herders

Chemtrails are Contrails

Fluoride is good for the teeth

Our education system works

Vaccinations are good for you

The chemicals in our food are harmless

5G and microwaves are harmless

Wars are fought to bring democracy and justice to foreign lands

I am afraid that the line "The Truth will set you free" is nothing but a sinister joke.

I think the correct term should be:

The truth will leave you pretty angry and helpless...

Or as Jack Nicholson said: "You can't handle the truth"

Unless, of course, the truth is that either Q Anon or Jesus or both are coming to save us soon and everything we experience now is nothing but a test and all we need to do is to wait and pray. Right.

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