Predictions of an amateur conspiracy theorist. This is what I think is going on.

Will there be a WW3, Armageddon, mutual destruction, total nuclear annihilation?
I don't think so.
It is possible that a large scale war is in the making, with the goal to eliminate a big chunk of mankind, but I think it will stay controlled and localized while protecting already established assets and infrastructure needed in the future. On ALL sides.

The conflicts worldwide, specially in the Middle East, besides geopolitical considerations, are a great tool for the cabal to kill people, make money, increase military spending, keep people in constant fear, keep the "War on Terrorism" alive, create new laws to increase "security" and probably more,
but they are also used to distract us from what is happening as a long term strategy.

I know, it looks like as if some are hell bent on setting the world on fire, and maybe there is a fraction in the snake pit which actually wants to accomplish that.
But I doubt that this is going to happen.

Too much money and effort have been invested already into the long term plan for humanity.
I hope that you, dear reader are familiar with the Coudenhove Kalergi plan, the revelations of Dr. Richard Day, Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" and George Orwell's "1984"
If not, I would encourage you to learn about them, because just these four paint already a good pictures of things to come.
If you consider WHAT IS CURRENTLY HAPPENING IN REAL LIFE, it seems that the plan, in a nutshell might look like this:

Reduce population to a "sustainable" size.
Eliminate the notion of nations, race, families or gender
Create a mixed race, genderless, infertile population with a low IQ
Genetically engineer and artificially create "human assets" according to the tasks they need to perform
"Enhance" this population with AI and connect them to a worldwide grid.
Create "Smart Cities" in which this population will live without families or privacy but can be easily controlled.
Establish vast "Nature Reservations" to move all population into the "Smart Cities".

A population like this can be easily controlled and used for tasks robots or AI are not suitable for.
By replacing natural reproduction with genetically engineered artificial production of humans, the size of population can be managed easily and adjusted as needed. 500 Million, as outlined in the "Georgia Guidestones" seems to be a reasonable number of humans needed in the future.

If you observe what is happening worldwide it becomes obvious that this plan is executed at a breathtaking speed.
All the following topics are part of the coming nightmare, are currently happening and fit exactly into the picture proposed by these four authors many years ago.
There are many more pointing in the same direction.

Agenda 2030
Gender, social engineering
Division of race and religions
Migration in Europe
Chemtrails, vaccinations, toxins in our food and water, wars
Gradual stripping of human rights, establishing stricter laws for humans
Establishing a legal framework for a World Government
Establishing a legal framework for AI and making them equal to humans
Establishing a "Social Credit System" and AI controlled Pre-Crime
Rolling out 5G as the needed infrastructure

And again, most of these agendas are already executed WORLDWIDE while everyone is shaking in his boots looking to Syria, Russia, North Korea and China.
And to spice up the cake, let's put a little bit Q Anon, Purge, Clinton and political hick-hack into the mix.

Meanwhile we are being sprayed like insects, vaccinated, dumbed down, gender-transitioned, indoctrinated, divided, confused, misinformed, made sick and infertile, forced off our land, molested at the border, killed by police, robbed blind by the taxman and made to -on top of it- PAY for all that.

We are all being played like a well tuned string instrument.

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