Legalization of marijuana proves that the government is great after all.

The same government which sprays us every day, vaccinates and fluoridates us, takes our money to finance wars killing people in foreign countries, floods us with "legal" propaganda, lies to us every day, censors our free speech and takes away our rights piece by piece finally finds it in it's heart to legalize cannabis.

What a victory.

A big step forward in the right direction. Maybe they are well meaning and concerned about our health after all?

Or ...

could it be that there are agendas behind it that most in their euphoria fail to see?
Could it be that marijuana users could lose some privileges for "safety reasons"?
Could it be that they soon will be ineligible to own guns?
Or operate a vehicle?
Or need to receive "special attention" from law enforcement?
Could it be that Monsanto approved marijuana has some "unexpected" properties?

Nahh, no way. Crazy conspiracy theory.

They just realized it's a good business and good for our health and freedom, that's all.

Maybe one day I will find out that chemtrails are actually a good thing, wars just and necessary and large corporations, politicians and bankers have nothing but our well being and happiness at heart.

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