Crime-predicting A.I. isn’t science fiction. It’s about to roll out in India

So, even if all this current WW3 talk is only fear porn, our future does not look so good.
And the noose tightens at a drastic speed.

If one puts the pieces together, a horrible picture emerges.

They can already analyze your personality to a point where they know you better than your mom and assess if you are a "high-risk" individual.

Posted about it:

The Social Credit System which is currently rolling out in China can lock you out of society completely if you are deemed non-compliant

And now "pre-crime" AI is rolling out in India

Now it is clear why Tom Wheeler stated that we can't wait to install 5G.
5G will be the the needed infrastructure to harvest data about ANYTHING you do, ANYWHERE.

The scary part of it is that it IS already starting to roll out, it is NOT a remote science fiction possibility in the far future.

We don't even need Trump to set the world on fire anymore.

We will be in hell either way.

And nobody can stop it.

Thank you @jakeofthefoliage for the link!

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