ZetaTalk News: Sunday July 15, 2018

Mexico Swings Left

The recent Presidential elections in Mexico put Lopez Obrador into the Presidency, the first left leaning President in decades. It was a resounding victory, but what would this mean for Mexico and its wealthy elite, who enjoyed benefits under the prior administration. In Mexico, the rich 1% were in charge and the 99% who were poor suffered, the income disparity tenacious. During his campaign, Obrador made what might be considered alarming statements, suggesting that the US should be virtually invaded by immigrants and the drug cartels pardoned. But the Zetas predict another outcome.


(ZetaTalk Prediction 7/31/2018:

Being able to encourage and sustain the local economy is key. Mexico is not dominated by external corporate control, but the disparity in income is onerous. Its primary problem is the flourishing drug cartels, which port illegal drugs into the US via the leaky border. Obrador’s predecessor Calderon fought the drug cartels, where Obrador may take a different approach. But in that Mexico exports heavily to the US, Trump holds a sword over Mexico by threatening to revoke NAFTA trade deals.

Campaign promises are most often made to gain votes, so claims that Mexico will in essence invade the US via immigration flow and that the drug cartels will be pardoned should be viewed in that light. But Trump is a deal maker, and a businessman, and could provide development opportunities for Mexico unseen at present. The people of Mexico are hard-working, and with a change in management more amenable to challenging the control of the existing wealthy elite, Mexico could bloom.)

South America has increasingly turned left, electing leadership that pushes out US corporate interests, nationalizing assets to turn the profits over to the people. The PAIS alliance took over Ecuador in 2007 when Correa was elected and has been in power for over a decade with the 2017 election of Moreno continuing the policies. The revolution in Cuba occurred in 1959, seizing control of US corporate interests. Despite a US imposed embargo that lasted until recently, Cuba has survived, providing free healthcare and education to its peoples. The Zetas consider both these countries to be successful leftist revolutions.


(ZetaTalk Comment 7/31/2018:

Moreno was elected President in Ecuador in 2017, continuing the leftist regime. Moreno supports allowing Assange to live in the Ecuador embassy in London, where the opposition said they would end this practice. Ecuador also seized the US corporate run oil companies and placed the oil profits in the hands of the people. This was a successful revolution. Castro provided Cuba with jobs and free medical care for decades, distaining capitalism for Communism. Despite attempts to isolate and demonize Cuba, this revolution was a success.)

Brazil’s fortunes turned around when it turned its back on IMF debt slavery, refusing to pay the draconian interest rates and instead joining BRICS. Brazil negotiated new terms for itself with the IMF. Since then its economy has been stable and successful. Per the Zetas, another successful leftist revolution, turning its back on IMF and corporate control.

(ZetaTalk Comment 7/31/2018:

Brazil has had leadership by the Worker’s Party since 2010 and the economy does well and is steady, the 8th largest in the world, despite President Rousseff being impeached for corruption. Brazil is a member of the BRICS banking network, likewise a success.)

Venezuela Hell

And then there is Venezuela. Venezuela seemed well positioned when the Chavez revolution occurred, as it had oil profits to support its generous welfare system. But rather than save Venezuela, it proved to be part of the downfall. When an OPEC induced oil price war occurred in 2014, the funds ran short, and the people began to riot. Venezuela became a Case Study in what can happen when a society that has come to rely upon cradle to grave welfare to take care of their every need fails.


(ZetaTalk Comment 7/31/2018:

Under the United Socialist Party, Chavez initially sought to commandeer oil profits in Venezuela, giving the profits to the people. But Chavez was a poor manager and fled the scene into a cancer death in 2013. Venezuela has become a disaster.)

If the loss of oil profits was part of the problem, the main problem was that the people did not know how to grow and distribute food or conduct any kind of industry. In a country with many advantages - rich soil, plenty of rain, a temperate climate, and not at war – the populace seemed without direction or motivation except to riot and demand the old welfare system be restored. Leadership was utterly missing, so Chavez and Maduro began relying upon the military. First to emerge was starvation.


Now Venezuela has developed run-away inflation and become a banana republic. Their currency is worthless. Why aren’t the citizens farming and fishing? Have they learned nothing from Cuba, which is self-sufficient, or Ecuador right next door? Are there no natural leaders in Venezuela that can overcome the lethargy that being raised in a welfare state has engendered? Go out in the fields! Garden! Free range the chickens! The barter system has likely returned, per the Zetas, a positive move.


(ZetaTalk Prediction 12/15/2001:

We predict that long before the shift, a barter system will be replacing the current paper money system. The value of the dollar, in all countries, will be falling, such that in any transaction one or both parties will feel they are getting a fair deal only if a thing, not a representation, is given or received. This is a common practice in countries where the dollar is falling, and a natural migration as the thought occurs readily to mankind, the barter system being recent in their cultural evolution.

ZetaTalk Vision 7/15/1995:

What is money? A medium of exchange. Something of consistent value, or at least stable value, which allows the barter system to take place in a more abstract manner. However, the existence of money, which has been called the root of all evil, supports activities that give no value in and of themselves. Money is replaced by communication and cooperation, and this works just fine.)

Self Sufficiency

Becoming self-sufficient does not require money or magic. It requires a decision and persistence. It can be done by those living in city slums, such as Growing Power has shown. It can be done in back yards and along crime ridden streets, as an LA hero has shown. It can be done on a tiny plot of land, without the need for fertilizers purchased at the store. It can, thus, be done by anyone. Just get started on this, folks, before you find yourself rioting for food and in a panic!


If you already live in an urban area, or in the suburbs, you are a step ahead, but even someone crowded onto a high rise can do container gardening. A family can get along on a mere acre of land, and this includes space to graze livestock and free range chickens. Even subsistence on Mother Nature is possible, as was presented in Issue 364 of this newsletter. A meat free diet need not lack protein. Duck weed is high protein, and corn and amaranth combined have the lysine equivalent of red meat! All your vitamin needs can be supplied by bugs and weeds.


(ZetaTalk Prediction 12/15/1999:

After the cataclysms the snug blanket of protection that many have taken for granted will be gone - no Social Security checks, no home deliveries, no 911 emergency service, no free medical services, and no welfare checks. In essence, humans will be relying on one another, and not on an infrastructure.)

By Nancy Leider

Full Article @ Zetatalk.com:


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