ZetaTalk News: Sunday July 1, 2018

Space Force

Why does the Trump Administration need yet another branch of the US Military, especially one that does not seem to have a purpose? A Congressional study on the matter of a previously suggested Space Corps is due in August. But Trump made it official with his nebulous Executive Order – General Dunford will take steps to create a sixth military branch, to join the Navy, Air Force, Marines, Army, and Coast Guard. General Dunford, who was present in the Oval Office, agreed. Just what the Space Force will do is still not clear.


There are hints that the new Space Force could assume some of the workload of the Air Force, such as collecting satellite debris. Trump mentioned in the Oval Office these two branches being “separate but equal”. There has also been an expressed desire to see the US get back to the Moon and eventually to Mars. But isn’t NASA in that business, having run the Apollo shuttles and currently in charge of the ISS? NASA and the Air Force have the expertise, and are already funded! The Zetas give us their insights.


(ZetaTalk Insight 6/30/2018:

Why is President Trump creating a new branch of the Defense Department? NASA, under contract to the US government, is in outer space and has been tasked with returning US astronauts to the Moon and eventually to Mars. The Air Force has a Space Command branch that covers the airspace closer to Earth, including satellite debris. Why not simply expand NASA or the Air Force?

NASA has been tasked with the cover-up over Nibiru for decades, and the Air Force was in charge of the Blue Book cover-up over the alien presence. Could the Deep State be trusted to tell the truth about Nibiru?)

In that Congress must approve the formation of a new branch of the Defense Department, this new Space Force is not expected to be funded and in operation that quickly, if ever.

But in the meantime, Dunford and the rest of the Junta can proceed to staff the fledgling branch, conduct studies, and issue press releases. Seeking funding from Congress while politicians posture and grand stand is expected to drag on while actual work progesses.

During his dramatic press conference, Trump ensured the world was present when his new Space Force was born. Meanwhile, a Nibiru announcement or admission can be in new and trusted hands.

Indeed, Project Blue Book was notorious for misleading the public about the alien presence. This seemed to be its mission statement. Every sighting was either swamp gas or mass hallucination or a flocks of birds or airplane lights or the ISS passing overhead or lens flares or bugs on the camera lens or if all else failed, a hoax.

Even with several hundred incidents unexplained, they were certain there was no extra-terrestrial intelligence involved. The conclusion had been drawn at the start. Could the Deep State within the Air Force be trusted to tell the truth about Nibiru, given their past?


(ZetaTalk Comment 6/15/1997:

During the early days of the cover-up over the alien presence, when those in charge of the cover-up presumed a naive and gullible public, project Blue Book was initiated. Since UFO sightings were in the air, the Air Force was the presumed arm of the military that would be in the know. Assigning the Naval intelligence as the primary arm of MJ12 was supposed to be a slight of hand that no one would suspect. Thus the Air Force officers assigned bustled about and issued reams of paper, all looking very official. They were given a list of probable explanations for strange lights in the sky, and dutifully ascribed something on the list to any sighting reported.

When on occasion an officer working for project Blue Book got too curious, he was reassigned. Those who prated the party line and didn’t attempt any independent thought remained.

Thus, as would be expected, the final report fell neatly into line with the original intent - UFO’s were all swamp gas or meteors, or the figment of the public's active imagination.

And then there is NASA, who has been asked repeatedly about Nibiru, and denied it all. Nancy Lieder of ZetaTalk is the only person ever mentioned by name, by NASA, as being someone who should not be taken seriously. They went out of their way to repeat that warning, too.

This is detailed in Issue 324 of this Newsletter in 2012 and earlier in Issue 271 in 2011. Could this crew be expected to tell the truth about Nibiru, given their past and current denial? They are still at it!)


(ZetaTalk Comment 11/28/2012:

NASA is still officially on record with the same stance – Nibiru as described by Nancy and the ancient Sumerians does not exist and the Planet X hype is a hoax.)

(ZetaTalk Prediction 7/3/2010:

Of course Dick Morrison's lecture attacked Nancy and her message as the first and foremost enemy, because we and we alone are pointing to the presence of Planet X in the inner solar system, and advising people on how to look for it.)


Save the Children

What does Operation Broken Heart, a nationwide Pedophilia bust, and Operation Safe Summer in Atlanta have in common with the Zero Tolerance border crisis? Both pedo busts were virtually ignored by the media. How does the discovery of the I-19 Rape Camp relate?

And what about the timing of the Moloch “Suicides” of Clinton associates this past month? They all relate to selling and torturing young children and the various Trump Administration attempts to stop this traffic. Trump has, in fact, stated this as one of his goals.

Fact: Unaccompanied minors coming over the border are likely being sold to the sex trade.


The anti-Trump Main Stream Media, meanwhile, ignores the fact that the laws Trump is executing were enacted during the Bush and Obama administrations. The photos being shown on the media today are from 2014!

The Russian collusion claim, the basis of Mueller’s investigation, failed while President Trump boosted the job numbers. The Stormy Daniels scandal has failed to deflect from the North Korean success. And now, in desperation to return the White House to Hillary’s friends, the well-controlled media bias is claiming that detaining kids at the border was born with Trump. It wasn’t. The laws were born with Bush and Obama.


The poster child of the migrant crisis at the border was Yanela, a toddler from Honduras. Her mother was detained after paying a coyote $6,000 for their illegal crossing. The mother is seeking political asylum, but is not running from crime or poverty. She just wanted the American Dream, and deserted her other young children for this goal. No crime. No poverty. No repression. Just ambition for more of what money can buy.


Trump established the Zero Tolerance policy, no longer allowing the quick release of immigrants who cross the border with children, on April 6, 2018. Then pedophile arrests started across the country. Look at the timing! The I-19 Rape Camp bust on June 1, 2018. The Clinton related Moloch Suicides on June 6, 2018. Operation Safe Summer on June 7, 2018. Operation Broken Heart on June 12, 2018. The IG report was released to the public on June 14, 2018. This is a massive crackdown on pedophiles and the Moloch child murder cult, alluded to and predicted by the highly accurate Q!


East/West Wobble

The East/West tilt of the daily Earth Wobble has gotten so extreme that twilight can at times be seen hours before the appointed hour in Europe and the N American continent. An observer in the UK reported the early light of dawn at 2:00 am recently, and I, Nancy in Wisconsin, recently observed the twilight bright enough to read a book at 9:22 pm.

Such is the tilting of the N Pole to the right and left during the daily Earth Wobble. A Crop Circle at Gulkevichsky, Russia (Sochi) on June 19 depicted this Wobble Tilt.


(ZetaTalk Insight 6/30/2018:

This beautiful and quite legitimate design laid at Sochi is showing what the daily Earth wobble is doing to this part of the world. The Figure 8 of the wobble tilts first to the right and then to the left as the day passes. This tilt has lately become extreme, such that the Sun appears to be coming up hours early in Europe and again lingering in a delayed twilight at dusk in the N American continent. During both tilts the N Pole of Earth has a lower latitude, the Earth somewhat laid on its side, thus more sunlight reaching what would otherwise be considered northern latitudes.)

Sochi experiences both the right and left tilt of the wobble. The clash causing this wobble is also depicted by the normal direction of the planets in the inner Solar System on the left, a counterclockwise orbit, and the direction that Nibiru assumes on the right, a clockwise direction. The result is shown below in the design, where an orbit around the Sun normally has a relatively peaceful path, the presence of Nibiru has caused reverberations, an attempt by the Earth to escape the magnetic slam of Nibiru and a bounce back into position by the distressed Earth.

slide688 (1).jpg

By Nancy Leider

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