Biden abandons the border patrol for Chinese drugs and the cartel.

Biden now wishes to fire border patrol agents over this illegal immoral vaccine mandate.

This is a specific coordinated attack by this administration and the Democratic party to destroy the police the military the hospitals our economy and now even the border patrol.

However Hunter can make a million dollar tip on brokering a deal for Chinese children to be abused by the world's elite as well as demanding a $2 million tip for releasing 30 billion dollars of Libyan funds that were stolen by the United States government and still being held. Which that money actually belongs to the people of Libya. Well the ones that are left alive after we have destroyed their country in a violent civil War.

We are seeing this coordination happen with the media as well as large corporations sports teams actors and actresses as well as even musicians and other entertainers.

A massive power grab for total control of other people's lives and forcing them to comply with opinions and fear.

On top of it you also have a vaccine that has absolutely no liability for the repercussions of individuals damaged health.

So basically if border patrol agents do not get the vaccine by November sometime they will be fired leaving our border patrol in the hands of a administration that has proven itself over and over to destroy our society.

Not only is this wrong and immoral but this is also a coordinated calculated push for power.

This is coordinated this is specific and this is criminal.

Time to hold the Biden administration accountable.

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