Wikileaks Vault 7 CIA Hijacking Cars for Assassinations?

Looks like the CIA may be able to murder us with our cars but make it look like an accident so possible wrongdoers could skate free. If Trump were truly independent of the deep state, he would investigate the death of Michael Hastings and declassify 1.all information about Michael Hastings contained in state or quasi state actors' databases.
Wikileaks Vault 7 releases concerning the CIA apparatus revealed, in October 2014, public funds were utilized to investigate hijacking car and truck vehicle control systems. The purpose though not specified might be for assassinations.

It appears Michael Hastings' car operated very oddly and some wonder whether his car may have been remotely driven. Hastings car had a very interesting accident in which the car burnt at a very high heat. Wikileaks revelations of Hasting’s communications makes one wonder even more about the true state of reality and the relationship between government and supposedly free people with inalienable rights.

Such technology could help murder journalists and/or other dissidents but mask it as an accidental death. As someone without access or oversight of these programs it is especially worrying whether these tools and budgets have adequate oversight so if people are murdered for their speech utilizing state apparatuses, such crimes are eventually prosecuted.


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