ʻOumuamua: Aliens? Probably Aliens.

Scientific American


One of a Kind

For those of you that don't know, we've recently detected the first interstellar object ever; from outside the solar system.

‘Oumuamua (Hawaiian for “first messenger”) has left scientists utterly perplexed.

"Researchers working on long-distance space transportation have previously suggested that a cigar or needle shape is the most likely architecture for an interstellar spacecraft, since this would minimize friction and damage from interstellar gas and dust."

... That would mean it is like no asteroid ever seen before, instead resembling the collision-minimizing form favored in many designs for notional interstellar probes.

So far there are few if any wholly satisfactory explanations as to how such an extremely elongated solid object could naturally form, let alone endure the forces of a natural high-speed ejection from a star system.


So far, everyone is tiptoeing around the issue. No one wants to say "aliens" because there isn't definitive proof and doing so makes you look like a quack. Also, the existence of aliens would shatter so many people's world views. It would be a devastating revelation for humanity as a whole, which is why there are so many conspiracy theories that claim governments hide evidence regarding this topic.

Take this quote for example:

The Solar System is likely the first star system that ʻOumuamua has closely encountered since being ejected from its birth star system, potentially several billion years ago.

The quote starts with the assumption that this object is a random occurrence and ends with the fact that we know it was here. Billions of years is a long time. What are the odds? Seriously, though look at this thing's trajectory:


Look closely, right after it uses the sun as a slingshot, it passes right next to Earth; perfect timing. Seriously... Aliens.

Space is Vast

The universe is mostly empty space. Our galaxy is mostly empty space. Our solar system is mostly empty space. Atoms are mostly empty space. The closest solar system to us, Alpha Centauri, is four light years away. In a few billion years, the Andromeda galaxy is projected to collide with our galaxy. Guess what's going to happen? Nothing. No, or very little, mass is going to collide. It will simply be a weird exchange of gravity. Given the vastness of space, the chance of this thing being random is the same chance you have of opening a random Bitcoin wallet and it having money inside (1/(2^1024)). It's not going to happen, ever.

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Alien Technology

The picture shown above of ʻOumuamua isn't a real picture; it's an artist's rendition. Think about the observation technology that we possess to inspect this metallic rock. Now think about the technology required to travel thousands of light-years. Aliens could make a spaceship look like Mickey Mouse if they wanted to.

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Star Trek Theory

Imagine you are an alien on a spaceship. Let's assume there's a Prime Directive, like in Star Trek. This would mean that you are not allowed to directly interfere with another civilization's development. Doing so always results in unintended consequences. At the same time, let's also assume that civilizations have a high chance (90%) of destroying themselves before inventing the technology to explore space and colonize other planets. This would be a huge bummer, on one side of the coin you want to help, but on the other you aren't allowed to. However, what if there was a way to indirectly help the situation?

I recently made a post about the merit behind the idea that Satoshi Nakamoto, inventor of Bitcoin, is actually Jesus. I also mentioned he might be a splinter cell of Anonymous or aliens. If it was somehow actually aliens that gave us The Blockchain that would be pretty insane. It would also fit with this theory. By using an indirect method of simply conveying an idea to humanity, aliens could help save us from ourselves, without actually directly interfering with our development.



Even if it's not aliens, you have to realize that nearly any other theory based on evidence has a higher chance of being correct than just, "It was random." Even if it's not aliens, I view this interstellar object as a sign. I think it means crazy things are goin' down in 2018. Given what I know about the instability of debt-based economy and the rise of The Blockchain, maybe even our little community here on Steemit will be a part of the craziness. Humanity is at an apex. We are standing on a cliff. We are either going to crash and burn, or fly. Don't forget: we're 2.5 minutes to midnight on the Doomsday Clock.


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