The lunar wave, moon anomoly.

I was not going to do a post tonight, though after reading a v4vapid post I thought - oh go on then.

His post can be found here =


The moon wave.

In the interests of my conspiratorial nature, I wanted to share a video from last year that I watched on the Orwellian youtube, yes that great site that got googled, and brought down to googles level of fascism and profit before people.

You can compare google and duckduckgo via facebook and steemit, one pays you, the other sells you.
If you still use google, allow me to offer you a different solution that does not sell you and your information, duckduckgo.
A lot of people say the moon simply does not make sense, it should not be where it is, it is hollow etc, I will give some examples below.

Is the Moon Hollow? Evidence Supporting Hollow Moon Theory

Updated on June 23, 2017

With interests in science, nature, and the paranormal, cryptid explores fringe topics from a unique and sometimes controversial perspective.
According to Hollow Moon Theory, the most interesting part of our moon may be inside Our Hollow Moon.
Is there really evidence to support the idea that our Moon may be hollow? We’ve seen it up there our whole lives, that glowing ball in the night sky. There have been some bizarre theories about it over the centuries, but given our level of advancement today there may not be anything more bizarre than what you are about to read.
The Moon is widely thought to have come about as a result of an ancient collision between the Earth and another planet, back when our solar system was just forming. It’s a large satellite, at least by comparison to the Earth. Eleven humans have walked on its surface, but nobody has set foot on the Moon in 40 years. Scientists think they have a good idea of what the Moon is all about, but what if they’re wrong?
There are those who believe the Moon is a hollow sphere, and what goes on inside it is way more interesting that what happens on the surface. Others say the Moon is artificial, and may even be a starship of some kind, parked in orbit by an alien race thousands of years ago.
Could our best researchers and astronomers have been wrong about the moon for all these years, and even the very men who landed there oblivious of the truth? Or worse, is there a dark conspiracy at work here, and maybe the governments of the world are hiding the secrets surrounding our hollow moon?

Read on, and consider the possibilities and implications of this strange idea.
source here

David Icke also has a hollow moon theory.

‘Several science fiction books of the early 20th century, including H.G. Wells’ “The First Men in the Moon,” take place within a hollow moon inhabited by aliens. In 1970 two Soviet scientists took this seemingly whimsical premise a step further, proposing that the moon is actually a shell-like alien spacecraft built by extraterrestrials with superior technology and intelligence. According to astronomers, the moon—though admittedly enigmatic as far as celestial bodies go—couldn’t maintain its mass and gravitational field if it lacked a dense core.’

source here

Even them pesky Russians get in on the act, you know them, the people that get blamed for all manner of retards being voted into power.

Date: First noticed in 400 BCE

Location: Orbiting Earth

"It has been established beyond all reasonable doubt that the Moon is not what it appears; that it is not just another satellite orbiting a planet, Earth, but an entity which has thrown the minds of some of the greatest thinkers and scientific brains into a quandary and bewilderment unprecedented in the history of astronomy. Why haven't you heard about this? Another government cover-up? How could Moon mysteries have anything to do with government secrecy, and moreover could it relate to the suppression of the space program?"

"Let us outline some of the extraordinary anomalies and mysteries surrounding this puzzle. Clearly not all data will be equally reliable but the abundance of interrelated information nevertheless gives an overall picture which can be determined with some certainty. The first academic enigma must surely be that the Moon is apparently in its wrong orbit for its size. However, this would presumably be based on its assumed density. Technical reports claim a density of 3.3 for the Moon compared with 5.5 for Earth. Astronomy data indicates that the internal regions of the Moon are less dense than the outer, giving rise to the inevitable but outrageous speculation that it could be hollow. Eminent scientist Carl Sagan, a typical sceptic, made the statement, 'A natural satellite cannot be a hollow object'. But meaning here that if it is hollow, it is not a natural satellite, and therefore artificial."

"Possibly the strongest evidence for it to be a 'hollow object' comes from the fact that when meteors strike the Moon, the latter rings like a bell. More specifically when the Apollo crew in November 20, 1969 released the lunar module, after returning to the orbiter, the module impact with the Moon caused their seismic equipment to register a continuous reverberation like a bell for more than an hour. The same effect occurred with Apollo 13's third stage which caused the Moon to ring for over 4 hours."

"Two Soviet scientists, have spent much of their careers examining the facts compiled on lunar phenomena. Their conclusion is that the Moon is artificial, possibly a hollowed-out planet, and that it was steered from some distant region of the galaxy into a circular orbit around our planet (hence the extraordinary mystery of rock and Moon dust age variations). They claim that intellectual life has existed in the Moon for eons."



Enough of my waffle, video time, the moon wave!


What planet are we on? and is the moon real, do I live in the matrix? is Ellon Musk right?.

Who knows, till the next time, have a fantastic week.

Deliberator = Definition of deliberator
plural -s
: one that deliberates



Images courtesy of pixabay.

added bonus have a little @maxigan

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