How to cope being a conspiracy theorist

Conspiracy Theorist.png

I felt compelled to write this as I want to reach out to the people in the truth movement to tell you to keep strong and keep walking the path you are on.

I hope that we will cross paths one day as I feel my soul-depleting under these current isolating conditions.

For as long as I can remember I knew something wasn't right with this world. As I grew older this feeling got stronger. I didn't seem to relate to anyone and I was constantly trying to please people. As I reach my 40s life is not any easier. I took the red pill, years ago and sometimes I really regret it.

Living with this much knowledge of the world has become a curse, not a blessing. I increasingly have nothing in common with the average person but try hard to hold a conversation with anyone. For their reality is based on mainstream media and programs.

I live overseas on a paradise island but travel back to the UK for work and money. When I arrive back I am shocked by how much people are brainwashed. If I try to tell them what is really going on I am silenced and called a conspiracy theorist.

This word confused me, as I understood conspiracy theorists were people who walk around making outlandish claims, but I only spoke out to my friends on topics that I had found overwhelming evidence to support some of the claims.

Over the last 3 months I have been busy gathering, researching and putting together all my work, my site is in draft form. I have worked night and day to make the information presentable and enjoyable enough so people focus. My friends have no interest in looking at it but they insist I am still wrong.

Yesterday I decided to look into the term conspiracy theorist. I already knew the term was used in the mainstream media by the CIA after the death/assination of JFK. What a coincidence. I looked further and what I found brought tears to my eyes. As it is another demonstration on how people get lazy and brainwashed.

I offer this piece of knowledge to all conspiracy theorists out there. I want you to own and be proud of the phrase as the sheeple do not know what the term actually means and how it has been changed to manipulate how powers.

Keep this meme in your phone so you are armed with some defence to this ugly term designed to shut us up. Download, improve it, share it, paste it on your neighbours face I don't care. The elite have cleverly planted this term into people's psyche to ensure that those who are too lazy to look into the truth will shoot down the rest of us.
Laugh when the sheeple tell you there are born sceptics that choose to explain the goings on in this world from mainstream media.

So stick this in places where the sun doesn't shine and make me smile steemians.

The defintion of Conspiracy
Definition circa 1300: From Latin “conspirare” which means “to agree, unite, plot,” and “com” which means “together” + “spirare” meaning “to breathe.” So, literally “conspire” means “to breathe together.”

According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, the word “conspiracy” is from 1386; “conspiracy theory” is from 1909. Before 1386 the word “conspire” simply meant to breathe together. After the word “conspiracy” was born, the root word “conspire” took on a new meaning – to plot something wrong, evil or illegal.

Modern definition of conspire : 1. To agree together, especially secretly, to do something wrong, evil, or illegal; 2. To act or work together toward the same result or goal., 2010

The power of breathing together was hidden for centuries due to the misdirection of a powerful word. Do As One is reawakening the original meaning of the word and inviting people to conspire anytime, anywhere in one of our LIVE Breathing Rooms.

I want to thank for their defintion, without it times would feel very tough right now

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