Topics That led me Down the Rabbit Hole

I want to start with the fact that it was as simple as clicking on an astray video while researching DMT to realize I was lied to my whole life. I stubbled into a 2 hour lecture by Dr Steven Greer on what his work was founded on and he not only shocked me with the fact that the existence of the 1% was actually a real ordeal but he convinced me with all of his documents from the CIA from all the organizations associated with the shadow government and in those documents was ultimate proof we have been systematically deceived about the alien agenda and our way of life.

The concept of zero point energy on this planet is staggering to our advancement of a species and the fact it was suppressed since the 50's according to Steven Greer had me in awe of the greed that was behind these things. That the abductions were real but done by our own government to convince us to take offense to an alien presence through cinema through simple pop culture brainwashing we would fall right into their plan and unite under oppression to face a foe they made up.

The fact there is contact within the government and it's been deeply engrained in the higher security clearance that's it's been going on since Eisenhower is what the public needs to know. Information like this could change our nation but no one knows or may not believe and that is where we are at fault.

Chemtrails,9/11,HAARP, it all came to me slowly and steadily. MK ULTRA. I was led to forums, off sites created by who knows who, but they all instilled ideas that made sense or that I could make sense of and that's where I resided. I felt betrayed and deceived and my life was just a lot of questions. My food,water, air,and health had been poisoned my entire life and no one could ever find out without being outside of the box or in this loop. My poor pathetic life along with the rest of us. It was a depressing reality to face.

There are things on this earth to instill hope into the soul of a living being and that's where I reside. This is where life has led me and so I've made use of my knowledge to inform others of natural remedies that already exist on this earth and aren't manufactured and a lab and I offer my knowledge about what's within the food and the water and what's likely inside of the people around me and I inform easy detoxes that will turn their life energy around in hopes they find their way to elevation. Research, create, and support orgonite and Wilhelm Reichs work and do as much as I can to better myself but to also gain followers because that and agnihotra are the only two things to clean our air and our environment to make the earth more rich. This is where I stand at this moment. Spreading awareness and appreciation for life and others.

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