Top 5 Conspiracy Theories

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5.) The Illuminati- some believe the illuminati are a powerful group of politicians, businessmen, entertainers, and other incredibly rich or famous individuals who conspire to control world events.

4.) UFOs or Aliens- many people claim to have seen a UFO or had some sort or alien encounter at some point in their lives and any individuals who have, will say this is not so much of a conspiracy but merely a factual event.

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3.) The Government is Continuing Mind Control Experiments- most individuals know about the government's past mind control experiment MKUltra, but some think through collusion with the mainstream media and psychological reprogramming with pharmaceuticals to control the masses.

2.) 9/11- more precisely the freefall collapse of WTC 7. Even as of June 20, 2017 we observe the tower fire of london burn for days without collapsing, however we are expected to believe WTC 7 collapsed after only hours of fire.

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  1. This Is A Virtual Reality We Are Already In- some mathematicians and theoretical physicist believe the only way to understand some of the naturally occurring phenomena, such as the Fibonacci sequence is that we are already living in a programmed reality.
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