The Introduction Of Vaccine Pathogens Grown In Human Tissue Coincides With Explosion In Autism Rates

There are a wide range of people who have their suspicions when it comes to vaccines and their possible side-effects. With this most people tend to focus on some of the various additives and preservatives which are added to the various injections to extend their shelf life, such as Thimerosal. While most focus on that aspect, I wanted to bring up another element that relates to vaccines and their possible side effects, that aren’t talked about as much, specifically in regards to the explosion in developmental disorders such as Autism.

Understand, for every vaccine created they need a medium to grow the pathogens in. These pathogens are neutralized after being grown, but will still trigger an immune response none the less. In the past, the pathogens were grown in animal tissue, such as monkey tissue, dog tissue, cat tissue, and so on. If a person had an adverse reaction to the vaccines grown in animal tissue, in most cases the worst that would happen is the person would get an allergy for that animal, and this is actually the most common reason for a person developing pet allergies in the past.

With this in mind, the powers that be understood that if there was ever a way to grow these vaccine pathogens in human tissue instead of animal tissue, that it would be possible to cause a fairly large number of people to develop an immune reaction against their own bodies, causing a wide range of negative effects against the individual. In the early 1980s growing vaccine pathogens in human tissue became possible, and started being used in some vaccine manufacturing, which stated that using human tissue to grow the vaccine pathogens avoided all chances of having animal DNA cause problems, but with this didn't mention the possible problems that human tissue grown pathogens could cause. Coincidentally the explosion in autism numbers coincide perfectly with the introduction of vaccines grown in human tissue and their steady increase in use over the years, and now-a-days the majority of vaccines are grown in human tissue (which are mainly derived from aborted fetuses).

The problem is, as an unavoidable consequence of this method, small amounts of human tissue can become attached to whatever pathogen they grow in it, and when injected, the immune system identifies the pathogen and everything that is with it as the enemy. This can then cause the persons immune system to attack not only the pathogen, but also various parts of the person’s body where the foreign human tissue settles most. With this in mind, Autism appears to possibly be primarily caused by human tissue grown vaccines such as the MMR vaccine (Measles, Mumps, Rubella), which appears to settle in various parts of the human brain, and in cases where foreign human tissue is found can have a high intensity auto-immune response to the foreign tissue, doing irreversible damage to the targeted area. The amount of damage done to the person appears to be mostly dependent on the intensity of the auto-immune response and the specific location of the response inside the person’s body, which in extreme cases appears to be able to cause developmental disorders such as Autism.

Anyways, if you have any thoughts on this topic feel free to share them in the comments below!

About The Author:
My name is Brandon (AKA TruthNow88), I am 35 years old and I live just outside of Toronto in the Great White North known as Canada. I have a 1 year old Cocker Spaniel/Golden Retriever crossbreed named Barkley (otherwise known as Monster... I swear this dogs so hyper it may very well be the key to zero-point energy...). I am a Search Engine Optimization specialist, website designer/analyzer and amateur blogger by day, and a coffee drinking, weed smoking, crypto trading conspiracy theorist by night. I love things that get my brain pumping and am really into politics, economics, world events, conspiracy theories, and more recently cryptocurrencies, as well as TV/movies, travel and I am also a huge fan of comedy in general (as they can't make the world go to war if everyone is laughing). I am somewhat new to the crypto world and Steemit in general but recently decided to try to jump in with both feet and see what happens. So far I am loving the people and concepts that Steemit and the crypto world are creating for the future, and I feel honored to be part of its infancy. Anyways I guess that's about it, and remember let nothing hold you back... FULL STEEM AHEAD!

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