The Matrix Feeling


Are we actually hallucinating in a collective Matrix simulation? Means the world is not real and we don’t really exist at least not in the way we think. Lots of people believe that but I actually get the eerie feeling that it is more than a conspiracy theory.

That strange feeling comes only when I am showering. The first time it happened I almost had a panic attack. I had just come to NYC and newly moved in to where I am living now. So I step in the shower and instantly I feel like I am somewhere else totally. It was really intense. I couldn’t even turn on the water. I just stood there naked ready to bolt. It was a feeling like something wasn’t right. Like another world was right there just beyond the tiles. I know it sounds insane but it was how I felt. For awhile I just couldn’t shake that feeling. Eventually it subsided. I turned on the water and got back into reality.

But imagine the implications. This world a simulation, our lives not real and everything meaningless. We saw that crazy premise played out in the Matrix film but what if the reality is totally different. Not machines manipulating us but other humans, gods even, playing us as puppets for their amusement. That would be a total mind f**k. Absolutely world destroying if we ever found out. Means thousands of years of human existence not real. How could we go on? We wouldn’t. What would be the point? Your mother never birthed you. You never lost your virginity. No sunsets, Internet, lollipops. We die when these gods lose in the game they are playing against other gods or advanced humans. This would be even worse than the present hell heaven afterlife stories we take for granted. Imagine that. We die because a super human lost a game or wasn’t paying attention to their simulation.

I still get the feeling whenever am in the shower, though not that often like before. And it is a lot less intense. It never got that intense again like the first time. Maybe I was trying to escape the Matrix that first time and almost succeeded. Now they got me in solitary confinement drugged to the end of my simulated life.

image from pixabay

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