
Think you know how the world works?

Do you think you're really "woke"?

Take the challenge:

  • Watch all documentaries in this thread with an open mind, if your perspective doesn't change, you win

  • Nominate 3 friends

Let's begin

In this thread we are going to be briefly summarizing and linking to 12 documentaries

The topics we will be exploring will be among some of the most triggering known to man, so check your cognitive dissonance at the door lmao

Buckle up kiddos, lets head down the rabbit hole

-1"JFK to 9/11: Everything is a Rich Man's Trick"

Do you think that JFK was killed by a lone shooter? That 9/11 was orchestrated purely by foreign terrorists?

What if I told you the same group is responsible for both & still controls the country today?

-2"Loose Change"

After you have familiarized yourself with the Nazi/American robber baron cabal that has been pulling the strings for the last century, let's dive further into the details of 9/11.

Getting the public on the same page here changes the game

-3"9/11 War Games"/ "9/11 Trillions"

These next 2 truly put the nail in the coffin of this horrible event.

1st covers the 4+ simulations that were going on on 9/11 that allowed the attacks to succeed, the 2nd exposes who profited

-4"How Big Oil Conquered the World"

Now that we have exposed how depraved and evil these people are, lets cover 2 heavily propagandized topics, impossible to question

  • "Overpopulation" (aka Eugenics)

  • "Climate Change"

Behind both? The Rockefellers.

-5"Why Big Oil Conquered The World"

Here we continue to explore the global web of the Rockefellers, the history of the Eugenics movement, & how it was successfully rebranded after the fall of the Nazis (that Rockefellers/american industrialists funded.)

-6"Meet Bill Gates"

You may be wondering why we don't hear about the Rockefellers much these days.

That's because they have found a new front man, someone who has "donated" billions in the largest self advertising campaign of all time.

Let's meet him:


This will probably be a breaking point for a lot of you.

Hopefully after learning about Rockefeller medicine, Eugenics, and Gates you're ready to finally take an HONEST look at the most taboo topic of the day:

Vaccine safety, good luck fam:

-8"Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement"

So we've covered: JFK, 9/11, Climate Change, Eugenics, Gates, & vaccines:

But what exactly is their ENDGAME for all of this???

If the events of 2020 are random, why did this 2007 doc describe it perfectly?

-9"Century of Enslavement: History of The Federal Reserve"

If all of these things WERE in fact diabolically plotted in order to centralize global power, how did this group gain so much control?

Mainly by quietly taking over the entire money supply:


After the Epstein saga, the idea of elite run, child sex trafficking rings is FINALLY being taken seriously.

Below is a complete breakdown of the true satanic nature of the hollywood/political elite.

There's no going back after this

-11"Conspiracy of Silence"

So how long have the elite been getting away with these horrible crimes? How do they manage to suppress this information?

Below is a documentary that was banned shortly before it was scheduled to air on the discovery channel.


To end the challenge on a slightly lighter note, how much do you know about UFOs? How about Nikola Tesla? Are you aware there's an estimated $21 trillion missing from the Pentagon's budget?

Ever heard of secret access programs?

Alright, well that about wraps it up, I hope you enjoyed this little thought exercise. Whether or not you won the challenge, make sure to share this link with 3 of your friends who you think would benefit from it.

Peace, Love, Anarchy,

  • BlockchainBastards
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