Strategy for Redpilling Friends and Family

Our job does not end once we've written or shared an article/video, it's actually just beginning. You may very well be put into a tough position of keeping calm while the storm rages on.

IMPORTANT: As Humans, our world view and ego have strong connections, meaning any abrupt shift in worldview brought on by a #redpill may result in some unpredictable behavior. While I can't predict all types of odd behavior, I have personally seen so of the following directly proceeding some redpilling: Family and friends may shut down or ignore you, laugh and mock you, and some might appear as if they are actively listening, when truly their subconscious tuned you out.. hey can't blame them, you're battling the most developed muscle in the mind! It's tasked with ensuring self preservation by any means necessary. On the other hand, you may have F&F that attempt to deconstruct your argument with invalid points or a strawman. We must not underestimate the power of the subconscious mind, and no one is exempt from these defense mechanisms.. you and I are subject to this behavior too!

We must be able and willing to step back and reassess if/when confronted with evidence that counters our world view and ego. Ego's down, take that as a learning opportunity and of course, share the evidence when all is said and done.

Remember, it's an Ego thing, we don't want our Friends and Family to feel
1- Isolated, like they're not in the know (social acceptance)
2- Stupid, like they've been duped for years, possibly decades
Disclosure isn't an overnight process, it's a practiced and ongoing mindset.

This Strategy has served me well
1- Make Absolute Sure You Know What You're Talking About!

  • As stated above, F&F may deconstruct your argument and pounce on any sign of self doubt.

2- Do a CBA (cost benefit analysis) and Identify Your Motivation to #Redpill

  • I'd refrain from #Redpilling someone that would object to anything you say, even if you agree with them.

3- Stay Focused | Stick to One Topic

  • Resist the urge explore tangents, even relevant tangents. Keep your niche/favorite topic back for later. ex: your Secret space program, and your gray alien expose can wait.. Kiddie pool first, deep end second.
  • In the case of generational gap, and you're far younger.. give some credit and realize, they may know some of this stuff.

4- Undercover Teacher

  • Having someone to lean on while realizing tough realities really helps.
  • We know.. you know it all, but a humble unknowing approach may suit better. You're the Undercover Teacher posing as a Student.
  • Explore & learn together, ask them for their opinion

5- Use Memes and Videos! Visit or use the world you have at your fingertips.

  • Humor can actually instigate further exploration/investigation. Also use #'s & archived data
  • Most people learn and retain far better when learning in an audio/visual format.

6- If your particular topic has been covered by MSM, shoot you got em.

  • Taken with a grain of salt, MSM reports are powerful tools, as a lot of people still rely on certain outlets.

7- Most Important! Monitor Stress Indicators

  • The subconscious is powerful, its to your advantage to retreat if your friend or loved one is being overwhelmed.
  • Bookmark and return later.

Feel free to drop your strategy below, and share this with everyone you know!

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