RE: RE: Was or is Bush a Free Mason?
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RE: Was or is Bush a Free Mason?

RE: Was or is Bush a Free Mason?

If he was a mason why would that not be published?

Sometimes people want their secret society involvement kept secret. We never saw Bush volunteer any information about his involvement with Skull and Bones when asked. He said he couldn't say anything about it.

If you're running for various offices, but especially president.. It might behoove you to not give ammunition to critics at the very least, but also in a more security sense, you just may not want to advertise what secretive groups you're a part of.
ESPECIALLY if that group is accused of like.. Trying to take over the world and stuff, and especially if that accusation is true, heh.

I agree with most of the rest of what you said, Free Masonry basically went underground after the Morgan Affair and lost like more than half of their lodges and members and additionally since then they've just not done a good job recruiting which is one reason why they've started becoming so public on the internet in the last number of years, they are desperate for new "blood"... So to speak.

BUT.. I'm not really sure how much power they have, which is why I wanna find out if the modern presidents are members. We know the very first president was.. Geroge Washington wore his apron openly and if I remember correctly there's at least like.. 10 + or more other presidents that have admitted membership. So.. It seems pretty significantly connected to the highest levels of known public power in our US history and elsewhere in the world.

In regards to links.. I'm not really sure.. Most of my research on this stuff is sort of specific and targetted, I guess I would suggest looking into people like. Jordan Maxwell or Mark Passio maybe. Or uhh.. Robert W Sullivan IV. He's a a 32nd degree Free mason and is not into any conspiracy theory stuff but much more of an academic scholar that corroborates a lot of the occult info floating around out there.. I think he's a great source! When it comes to confirming certain things, though he definitely denies that Free Masons are trying to take over the world, though he does admit that he thinks the US should not be the "United States of America" but rather the.. "Free Masonic States of America. He thinks the history is so overwhelming in regards to Free Mason involvement from government to buildings and everything that it's basically a Free Masonic government.

Interesting stuff! When a 32nd degree Free mason basically says the US originates from their group.

Those guys I mentioned are mostly on YouTube, but they all have websites as well I think.

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