Young Hotties?

Okay, ladies...get your mind out of the gutter! Dr. internet surfed this young man into my life today and he has an interesting perspective on the whole bloody mess! Much of what he is saying aligns with my Gnostic views. I'll start off by mentioning that The Revelation really means to unveil; or To Lift The Veil, which is the name of his channel:

In the video below he points out the correlation between the brain and its infrastructure and the great pyramid at Giza. The production is a bit choppy but he gets through all the salient points.
Interestingly, he has a video on his channel debunking Flat Earth theory so he didn't drink the kool-aid. Still, if it were possible, a discussion between him and Dubay would be interesting. From my view, none of this answers the question of what the hell is it that we are living in? My own view is some kind of incredible simulation, but that's thoroughly speculative on my part. But it may very well be that our overlords are in some way non-biological which is consistent with some kind of simulation, or Matrix--or, even WOMB.
On a skeptical note: it's completely within the boundaries of reason to suggest that a tiny group of a highly intelligent 'scientist like' people created a vast mythology surrounding the human anatomy, the brain, and sexual organs--The Masons, et al...If this were true there may not be any 'real' metaphysics behind any of this but, yeah, I'd even be skeptical of the skepticism here as we get into Pi, fractals, Fibonacci sequences which go beyond anything a Cabal of humans could do--unless they were somehow linked into higher celestial or extraterrestrial intelligence​/s.
It turns out that it's all about the sex baby:D

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