David Icke Discusses “The Reveal”: August 23 Noon ET

By Neenah Payne

The legendary British author David Icke has written over 20 books and has spoken in over 25 countries. However, Why Was David Icke Banned From 26 European Nations? explains that Icke was to be the featured speaker at the “Together for the Netherlands” peace rally on 11/6/22. Yet, far-left groups demanded that Icke be barred from entering the country. Icke’s son Gareth said the Netherlands banned Icke for two years on the charge that he is a “Level 3 terrorist”.

Because the Netherlands are part of The Schengen area which consists of 25 other European nations, Icke was banned for two years from 26 countries in Europe as well as other countries -- including the US and Australia -- that follow the guidelines of The Schengen area! Icke had planned to tour much of Europe in the spring of 2023.

Icke videotaped his powerful speech on a beach near his home and posted it on his site. Gareth pointed out that more people probably saw the speech than if Icke had attended the rally! David Icke speech for Amsterdam peace rally that he was banned from 26 countries for trying to make (video).

Icke spoke about the World Economic Forum founded by Klaus Schwab as an example of the global cult taking over the world. Henry Kissinger was Schwab’s mentor at Harvard and was a frequent honored guest at WEF meetings. Kissinger is known for his statement, “Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control people.”

Icke spoke about the fight of 3,000 Dutch farmers as the government tried to impose unprecedented restrictions and force them to sell their farms. Since the Netherlands is the world’s second largest food exporter, this affects all of Europe and beyond. Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte had announced that Holland was the HQ of the “Global Food Hub”. Rutte was the Global Coordinating Secretary to Transform Food Systems and Land Use. Icke called out Rutte as an asset of the WEF and told the Dutch people,

He runs your country for the agenda of Klaus Schwab who runs the World Economic Forum for the agenda of the global cult. So, Rutte is not running The Netherlands for the people of that country. He’s running it for the World Economic Forum.

The Growing Revolution Against Globalists shows that “Teflon Mark” and several other WEF Young Global Leaders were defeated by nationalists in the 2023 elections. However, NATO Allies select Mark Rutte as next Secretary General shows Rutte was promoted. Schwab stepped down as head of the WEF. Schwab had called for The Great Reset. The WEF told us that by 2030, “You will own nothing and will be happy”. Karl Marx defined communism as the abolition of private property.

The Reveal: The Next Stage of Human Awareness

Icke’s latest book The Reveal: The Next Stage of Human Awareness can be pre-ordered on Amazon and will be available September 1.

Amazon says:

The Reveal sees Icke dig deeper than ever before and the book can truly be described as 'the next stage of human awareness' across a great swathe of interlocking subjects from who controls the world to the nature of the 'afterlife' and everything in between. …. Now, in its dot-connected totality, David Icke's The Reveal takes us where no one has gone before.

The book has 5 stars with one review which is copied below:

Phenomenal book and excellent closing to the 'Reality Trilogy' which includes the two previous books 'The Trap' and 'The Dream'. After reading all of David Ickes books since his 1993 release of 'The Robots' Rebellion' it's safe to say that 'The Reveal' is definitely his deepest book yet. The nature of reality with a "fringe" scientific investigation into the Astral dimension takes the center stage of this book and it's mind-blowing. One word: PLASMA. I suggest reading 'A New Science of Heaven' by Robert Temple to see why the scientific study of plasma is not fringe at all.

David then ties it all to the soul, out-of-body experiences, astral projection, astral entities, the simulation, and reincarnation. A deep speculative dive into the nature of the afterlife and the 'Soul Trap' then gets mention. How all of this information is paramount to understanding current events and where we are potentially being directed is explored. Finally, the last chapter leaves you with how to ultimately deal with such states of affairs. A powerful and empowering ending for sure.

Be prepared for an intense but revelatory read. You'll get uncomfortable and it's necessary to consider the possibilities laid out in this book. The Trap, The Dream, and The Reveal are superb modern metaphysical treatises. The Reveal truly is 'The next stage of Human Awareness'

Q&A With David Icke

In the discussion below, Icke mentions that “non-humans” are running the show, but doesn’t elaborate.

Live Q&A With David Icke - Watch Now…

Rose/Icke 10: The Reveal August 23 Noon ET

It’s happening again. The anticipation here at London Real Studios is palpable as David Icke returns for a tenth interview in the landmark Rose/Icke series, et to broadcast live on August 23 at 5pm UK time/noon EST This series, which first started in 2020 amidst global turmoil, has captivated audiences worldwide with its controversial discussions, unfiltered content and unique perspectives.

Rose/Icke X: "The Reveal" promises to be the most important conversation yet, hosted exclusively on our Digital Freedom Platform at https://freedomplatform.tv/RoseIckeX.

Whether you are a long-time follower of David Icke or simply curious about the perspectives he brings, this livestream is poised to be a must-watch event. So, mark your calendars for August 23 5pm UK time/noon EST and tune in to London Real's Digital Freedom Platform to watch "The Reveal."

Engage with the conversation, challenge your thinking, explore the depths of what promises to be an extraordinary dialogue, and share this news far and wide using the hashtag #RoseIckeX Thank you for your ongoing support.

Neenah Payne writes for Activist Post

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