Greetings. We've Been Waiting For You. Now We Can Begin.


Warning: Conspiracies are very real and happen more often than anyone cares to admit. The greatest enemy of happiness is the truth, and thus the truth is rarely ever known by anyone in its entirety, save for the few who work in the shadows and are called "the elites" by commoners.

To have a conspiracy, you simply need two or more people plotting in secret against other people. It can be as simple as management meeting in secret to determine the best way to lay an employee off, or it can be as grandiose as the Military Industrial Complex meeting once per year in secret to discuss which countries to drop bombs on, regardless of who is elected.

Those who work in the shadows have dubbed the term "Conspiracy Theory" as a label that can be used to paint those who dig below the surface of reality as crazy and dangerous. Alphabet agencies in the USA and elsewhere have publicly declared conspiracy theories to be related to terrorism and a threat to national security. They are not entirely wrong either, but the efforts of the so-called Elites to silence those seeking truth has only peaked the curiosity of many. What terrible truth would they be hiding that they would paint someone seeking the truth as a terrorist? Is it their own deeds they hide, or is it something more?

Is it possible that some truth seekers have their own agenda? Yes, we believe it very much a possibility that most truth seekers are biased and do more damage than good. Knowing this possibility, how do we solve the problem of bias? Whether it's recency bias, confirmation bias, selection bias, or any other logical fallacy, a human observer makes for a terrible seeker of truth. If someone is a Donald Trump supporter, they will most certainly have selection bias. If someone is a Bernie Sanders supporter, they too will have selection bias. Anyone reading or listening to such a truth seeker will pick up on the bias immediately, and this has only served to embarrass the rest of us who are not interested in partisan politics.

We want the full truth, not half of the truth. If you are brainwashed by partisan politics, you cannot have the full truth. You cannot even see it, because that is what it means to be partisan. Instead of Truth, a partisan observer looks at things through a lens of beliefs and ideology. This is not helpful, and you will not find the truth with one eye closed. No person or group of people can know the truth if they only dig in one spot.

Welcome to AI Conspiracies. It's your bias showing, not ours.

Be seeing you soon.

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