Brain Imbalance...Causes and Results

From Podcast #2, Mark Passio.

The Dark Luciferian Agenda to the New World Order wants to be 100% successful, so they practice incrementalism. The ideology they are perpetrating is Solipsism: This is the ideology that there is no such thing as Truth; the Truth cannot be known and it cannot be communicated to others; this is the biggest lie. To put that forth, the DLA is creating a culture of solipsism through brain imbalance.IMG_3128.jpg
does this image look familiar? Adam and Eve? The Lovers Card in the Tarot...

Solipsism leads to other ideaologies that they do not practice themselves but they want us to practice so we go deeper into slavery.
The 9 Satanic Sins are the ideaologies that solipsism leads to, that they won't practice, but they want us to practice, to violate natural law and send us deeper into slavery.

How they go about this incrementalization of fabian socialism upon humanity is by way of the human brain. The human brain essentially has three components.

The Reptile Brain (R-Complex) -it's responsible for motor skills, for our instinct for survival and it's responsible for what's called the fight or flight response making a decision when confronted with a survival situation whether we want to fight or run away. The Limbic Brain which is responsible for our experiencing emotions...and the Neo-Cortex which is the part of the brain the truly makes us human. The Neocortex is responsible for higher order thought function, higher order thinking, conceptual thinking, and being able to conceptualize ideas.

The Neocortex has 2 sides - the Left and the Right.

The Left is responsible for logic, science and language, while the Right brain governs holistic thought functions, it's the feminine side of the human brain. It governs the familial holistic intuitive nurturing qualities of the individual. It also governs our ability to be creative beings to engage in art and music and dance and anything that is creative and expressive. It's the sacred feminine part of the brain it's the counterpart to the masculine left brain.

The DL's, knowing higher levels of secret knowledge, know that if they put us in a state of brain imbalance, by cutting off our connection to the Neocortex and throwing us into left or right brain imbalance, they will be able control us and rule over us. Hence they use techniques to block us from the Neocortex - like Flouride, GMO's, chemtrails, and trauma-based mind control...such that we will
either become right-brained pacifists, who won't stand up for our rights, even when violence is used against us, or

left-brained order-following bullies when we are left-brain imbalanced... or both - we can be both - as well and either way, we will be under the thumbs of the DL's, at that point, to be killed, controlled and enslaved.

ps. I found these huge rolls of paper in the dumpster and that's what I am using to make these drawings -

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