No. No Titles. ThankYou. Just Be.

Picking up from the last video, let's get rid of titles like "anorexia," and find the liberation and peace that lay on the other side.

Talked much of social programming/conditioning, about reincarnation, vaccinating, conspiracy theories, MSM...etc, though ultimately the message here is that we must go within to effect without.
You've got a path, we're all here on purpose, for purpose- little dots, each doing our part to paint this grand masterpiece called life.
We can continue running on default living in this "Truman Show," OR, start composing and conducting our collective masterpiece.
If I may dare say, I do believe that everyone desires happiness, good health, comfortable living, and to be what you are, only doing what you love.

All it takes is for you to start - to stop with the complaining, the "doing," because "I have no time," or "I don't have a choice."

Oh, but you do my darling. Choose you.

Off with the titles. We start now.

Links I spoke of :

Book: Brian Weiss, "Many Lives , Many Masters"

On Vaccinations:
MMA Fighter Nick Cantone & Wife Marjorie talk of their 20month old son dying after vac.

Physicians' apology letter after doing the homework into vaccinations.:

The man who triggered my unravelling with a couple of simple questions: Troy Turin: If he's in your neck of the woods, jump into the seat of consciousness with Troy as your guide for a heartbeat or two.

Finally, if you fancy alternative news sources, I've put together a few of my "go-to's:"

We're in trying times dear Ones, like never before. Stay true to you.

Much love and blessings.

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