Building Bridges: Top Issues 99% Can Agree On

People who only follow corporate media might reasonably assume our society is hopelessly divided with no common ground whatsoever. While it's true our society is conflicted on many issues, on closer examination there's certain issues for which a majority of citizens are surprisingly united against, issues which more often than not are ignored by corporate media. The following is an incomplete list of the most obvious examples:

  1. End Government Corruption - Of course easier said than done, but obvious to everyone that it's an issue that needs to be addressed.

  2. End the Wars - As demonstrated by widespread negative reaction to war threats against Syria, people are perhaps becoming more aware of political trickery thus becoming harder to persuade. Also, as living standards drop for more people, the connection between costly foreign policy and the nation's declining economy and infrastructure has never been clearer.

  3. Stop the Surveillance State - Privacy is a universal human need. Mass spying on citizens is unethical and wrong whether online or through drones and informants.

  4. End the Police State - Thanks to smartphones and the internet, we're all more aware than ever of abuse of power by police (especially against people of color).

  5. End Unjust Trade Agreements - Agreements such as NAFTA and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) hurt working people and endangers health and safety, the environment, and national sovereignty.

  6. End the Fed - We've endured 100 years of a "Federal" Reserve run by private bankers and all we have to show for it is a debt of tens of trillions of dollars. It will never be paid off as long as we continue to use interest-bearing federal reserve notes as currency.

  7. End the Health Insurance Racket and Create True Affordable Health Care - Everyone knows it's not enough and is far more beneficial for greedy insurance companies than the majority of non-wealthy people.

  8. End the Drug War - We can all agree the Drug War is a colossal failure (when it comes to the stated purpose of reducing drug addiction). It has only increased incarceration rates while enriching the prison-industrial complex and drug cartels. We need to adopt policies that have proven to be effective such as legalization, decriminalization and harm-reduction.

  9. Stop GMOs - GMOs are unnecessary, physically and economically harmful to farmers, may have potentially catastrophic effects on the ecosystem, and only serves to increase profits for companies like Monsanto.

  10. End Obscene Economic Inequality - Complete economic equality might not be possible, but when economic inequality reaches absurd and unsustainable levels as they have today, clearly there's a systemic problem which needs to change.

  11. Protect Internet Freedom - Legislation such as the NDAA, SOPA and PIPA indicate that government and corporations are threatened by the internet. Attacks against internet freedom are attacks against freedom of speech, freedom of information and cognitive liberty.

  12. Ignore Corporate News - Another point of agreement between right and left is the corporate news media's increasing irrelevancy and bias. Today it is not so much a liberal or conservative bias as it is a neoliberal and neoconservative bias.

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