Rise of the Centre Right has Begun

After 15 years of neglect Ontario is Conservative again (huge majority). Kathleen Wynn resigned as the Liberal party leader and the Liberals have lost official party status.
This is a significant turning point for Ontario and Canada. The Federal Liberals will now have to decide if they will throw road blocks in front of Ontario’s recovery or get out of the way and leave them alone.

I am encouraged by these results to believe that on Monday, October 21, 2019 Canadians will elect to drain the swamp in Ottawa so that together we can begin to fix the damage done to Canadian liberty.

While 10-21-2019 is within sight we also have to remember that the Federal Liberals can still do a lot more damage between then and now. Their modus operandi is to push through divisive legislation without proper debate in the House of Commons, tax the middle class into obscurity and transform Canada into the first “Post-national state” (J.Trudeau).

Think of Canada as a casualty suffering from an arterial bleed. We need to keep applying pressure to the wound so that the casualty can be delivered to medical aid before bleeding to death. The hospital is still several difficult miles away.

Congratulations Premier Ford!
Congratulations Ontario!
Congratulations Canada!


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