Consequences of Drug Addiction : Bangladesh Context

Drug addiction especially among the youngsters of our country is rising alarmingly which, experts fear, will bring about devastating consequences for Bangladesh.


Youths are taking drugs being frustrated or simply out of fashion. Over the past few years yaba -taking has spread like cancer. Usually boys and girls of high society are being addicted with this drug. Once addicted they become derailed and ruin their career. One of the yaba - addicts says:
"Four to five years back, it was rare,but now it's easily available.. you can find yaba everywhere. You can even have the pills delivered to your house, often by poor young children enlisted as couriers. "


Heroin is also a dangerous drug with which our youngsters are being addicted alarmingly. It's price was very high earlier,but now it has been cheaper and easily available. Cocaine, marijuana, ganja addicts are also increasing dangerously.


Drug addiction has increased restlessness in our society. To mange the drug price the addicts often get involved in different crimes including hijacking and looting. Drugs destroy the physical and mental soundness of the users. Once addicted the addicts become burden for their family and for the country in course of time. So, we should not let the bright future of our younger sisters to be ruined into darkness. The Govt. as well as all the conscious people should take a concerted effort to save the society from the crucial claws of drug addiction.

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