Listening to the collective cry of our sensitive children

There is an alarm warning being sounded by the collective lives of sensitive children around the world.

For years I have worked within this physical world and the etheric, stepping back and forth from each to gain insights into what these children are here to teach us, and why they are continually choosing mothers who are awakening as their guide and confidante on their human journey.

I have explored alternate avenues for healing food intolerances, for addressing behavioural problems and for seeking to help ground a child more firmly in this physical world to make their time here less stressful & overwhelming.
But something is shifting now. I have had recent revelations that there is something within the word ‘healer’ that is not aligned with the deeper truths I have learned on my journeying.

Whilst ‘healing’ is first and foremost a return back to Source/Spirit/God/Love, it also suggests that something is wrong, that there is a problem. When we are united with the truth of our existence the word ‘healing’ becomes obsolete.
And yes whilst the issues facing sensitive children do highlight a problem, the problem is, as I have come to realise, most definitely not within them. It is a problem that precedes the lives of these children, and they are here right now, alerting us to these very problems that will, if we allow, destroy our connection to ourselves, to each other and to this Sacred Earth that we all walk upon.

Food sensitivities/allergies are alerting us to the harm we are doing to our food & water source – the pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, GMO’s. It is a huge wake up call that our food & water – the very thing that sustains our life here on earth, is poisoning us. These children are forcing us to make alternate choices, to choose differently, to grow our own food, to go organic, to leave the additives, preservatives and pesticides behind.

The inability to focus in sterile classrooms, the attention problems, the behavioural ups and downs, are all showing us how disconnected we have become from our natural environment. We need to be earthed, grounded, to bend and flow with the passing of the seasons, to understand that our own lives are part of this cycle. To know that we can never improve on nature allows us to surrender to the infinite wisdom that lies within it, within us. We will never learn this locked inside concrete walls, with our faces in front of computer screens.

The depression and anxiety is screaming at us that our approach to looking after ourselves has become mechanical and forced. We rush through everything. Through grief, through sorrow, through pain. We want to get it all done. We have become unconscious competitors of a futile race in which we are abandoning our own humanity.

The sensitive children in this world are showing us all of the problems that are engulfing us and I would be remiss to not acknowledge this, rather than simply attempting to ‘heal’ the symptoms that are actually here to alert us to a bigger cause. The awakened mothers of these children are hearing this call and are starting to respond – they are forming the solution to a problem of global concern.

Yes these children need support, more so now than ever before, but we must also realise the significance of why they are here and how our responsibility lies not only with helping these children but also in supporting the creation a new paradigm which is based on a remembrance and connection with our own spiritual truth, one which fosters heart-centred living and collective healing.

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