The Disability System in Canada - You may be next.....

For seven years I worked on a particular contact with the government. I was a "Service Provider", helping people with disabilities to become self employed. For seven years, I experienced a system that has enslaved the largest minority group in Canada. Afraid of making too much money, afraid of not having enough. Afraid of getting better - complete dependence on the system. Keeping people sick means, keeping people living in fear...

So - who's next? Well, by the year 2020, stress will be the second leading cause of disability. How do we "fix" stress in western society? Why, the legal drug dealers push the pills that have already been proven to make symptoms worse, at least over the long term.

There is an easier way. Every human has the ability to manage their autonomic nervous system. To turn off the stress hormone and turn on the youth hormone. So why are we not being taught this?

The Dark vs The Light - we are at the tipping point of the sixth mass extension and the main problem is human behaviour. Be the change you wish to see.
The Mindfulness Project


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