Travelling trough time. Connection. Imagination

Today i watched the movie „Donnie Darko“ because my brother and i liked the soundtrack contained in it : Mad world by Gary Jules. So while watching it i sometimes found parallels between the movie and the series i am watching which is called „Dark“. Both are dealing with travelling trough time and space. A scientist in „Dark“ has the theory that there is no separation between past, present and future. That all these tenses are happening at the same time. Whatever. A summary of the series wasnt my intention to write this post. My real intention was to say that every time i learn something new or something new happens in my life, i am constantly encountered by this new thing. For example like i said the parallels I’ve seen between the movie and the series. If you couldnt follow my way of thinkimg: here another example: I learned a new word in school and afterwards (literally 2 hours later ) the news reporter is saying this word which i didnt know the meaning of earlier. I know you could say that i just didnt recognized the word earlier but i dont think that this is true.So what i want to express is that everything seems to be connected and sometimes i think (i know this sounds egoistic etc.) i am at the center of something big. My mom told me that there is a man whose theory is that everything is imagined by our brains and that only ourself is existing. Everyone else is just a creation of our brains.

I am sorry for this non-chronological thoughts and this abrupt ending. I also apologize for my english. Its not my forst language and moreover that its difficult to follow my thoughts. But i hope you could. If so i’d like to answer to comments :)

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