
Can someone please explain the basics of this exciting looking platform? So far, (to me at least) it looks and comes across as some sort of "super-facebook", for the elites of this new techneological world we live in. For those of us who see social media as a platform on which the users should be rewarded, if they post updates that could be in some way beneficial to those that read them. Even if that benefit is just a smile on the readers face.
I'm tired of pointlessly scrolling through my Facebook feed and seeing nothing but other people's shite. There's something different about this though, and I'm excited to get stuck in and aboot. As one may say if they came from the grey streets of my home town of Aberdeen. I've heard people refer to it as "Aberdream"... but whoever came up with that name was either trying to be funny, ironic or they've never been to the City.
Anyways people... my name is Ross and yi noo ken far am fae (for my fellow North East of Scotland Steemers). Any advice or a friendly point in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. A "Steemit For Dummies" guide would be ideal, if such a thing exists. Steemit was recommended to me by two friends who I know are all too familiar with the struggles of life, more so than most, and they seem to be getting a lot out of it. I'm hoping it eases my daily struggles too and I can get the benefits they claim this site can provide.
So.... K-Dogg, Dunc.... Where do i start!?
@kdogdiggles13 @deejayram420

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