The Confidence Project Entry 2: Establish Your Motivation


Hi steemians! A couple of months ago, I decided to join The Confidence Project by my friends @thegaillery and @jsmalila. The project helps a steemian to become more confident on a particular area he or she chooses. If you want to take a look at my first takeaway, you can find it here.

For my Second Takeaway, the challenge is about establishing my motivations or what drives me to do a certain activity, which is in my case, public speaking. As a recap, here are the details I discussed in the last take away:

My Area of Focus: Public Speaking


Activities to do:


  1. I will try to speak in a group of 3-5 people first.
  2. I will speak in front of the mirror and be my own audience first.
  3. I will reward myself after I speak in front of others.

Motivations in pursuing this goal:


1. Sense of Fulfillment (Intrinsic)


When I say sense of fulfillment, I mean that I am encouraged to speak in front of the public because I know that I can attain a sense of fulfillment talking to other people. I feel like I am a new person. I can open up a new side of me that I don't always let other people see. I will be prouder of myself because someone is hearing me out when I express my ideas. Especially during the times when someone asks me a question from the audience and I am able to answer it, I feel a sense of fulfillment.

2. Leadership Opportunities (Extrinsic)


When I say Leadership Opportunities, what I mean is that it motivates me because I can have more exposure to people from it. The more chance of being a leader, the greater chance other people will see me as trustworthy and knowledgeable about the field I am leading. Just like in the workplace, if there are reports to be done, I strive harder to speak efficiently in public because it increases my chance of getting rewards from my boss and in that way, the boss has confidence and belief in me leading the next project.

3. Sideline Opportunities/ Extra Income (Extrinsic)


What I mean by Sideline Opportunities is that there are jobs that I can do on my free time that would require speaking in public. The money earned from my sideline works can be a motivation to me. If I can speak public well, I have lots of opportunities to open for myself. For example, hosting a birthday party or becoming an ESL Teacher. I remember a time when I applied this motivation. During my college days, I was able to speak in front of the public to tell the features about a particular software. Through this, I have earned extra income just by speaking in front of them and explaining the software well.

This is my official entry to the Confidence Project Second Takeaway.All photos not mine found in the article are from Pixabay.

Thank you so much for reading

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