True Confession : My Wife & Cousin are Addicted to Bath Salts

I have an admission to make ...

I think my cousin and wife are both hooked on bath salts.

I'm always telling my cousin she's spending way too much money on bath salts, so much that I think she might be getting addicted. She's beginning to neglect her children for hours at a time while locked in the restroom using bath salts. She swears one day she will quit, but to this day, when I go over to her house, there she is ... using again.

This stuff can be dangerous folks!

When you're all used to normal baths and then someone Secret Santa's you some bath salts at work, that's usually how it starts. Or maybe you see a family member during the holidays that you haven't seen in a while and they whisper for their kid to go grab that present out of the trunk of the car ... you know the, "Oh shit, we forgot they were coming but thank God we left that item wrapped up in the trunk" gift.

It's usually bath salts and the next thing you know ... you're hooked on the stuff.

Your skin has never felt so soft or smelled sooo good. People start to compliment you on how soft you feel or how good you smell ... that's when the bath salts have you!

By then it's too late. You'll end up just like this poor bath salt sufferer making THIS POST on Steemit. They're so hooked at this point they're actually making their own bath salts and now, like most addicts, they're trying to bring others down with them by getting them hooked!

Repent Bath Salt Sinners!

Save yourself before it's too late or you too will end up like my wife and cousin and begin taking multiple hour long baths on a daily basis, draining the hot water heater to the point everyone else in your family suffers while they bath in euphoric luxury behind locked doors ... so no one can come in to use the restroom!

There is nothing worse after a big dinner than having to use the restroom and find out your bath salt addicted wife has locked you out while she satisfies her addictive personality with warm relaxing pleasure!

This is something dear to my heart friends, so please forgive my passion against the almighty bath salts. I've lost two dear family members to their sweet soft intoxication ... not to mention the hopes of ever getting a hot shower or the ability to use the bathroom for hours at a time.

Don't let it happen to someone you love!

Do yourself and the rest of your family a favor, take the bath salts from them and buy them a bar of soap instead. That dry skin and bland scent may not be as nice to cozy up too, but at least you'll know a hot shower and a poop will await you at any time during the day!

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