Ways to Improve Audio Conferencing | Hodusoft

Audio-video conferencing is fast becoming the norm for day to day interaction between staff members and with vendors as well as customers. Quality of video is important but that of audio is even more so. Audio quality and clarity depend to a large extent on the codecs in use and the way they are implemented in the conferencing solution. Solution providers may emphasize video quality over audio and compress audio signals. This can affect clarity, and, as anyone knows, if one cannot hear properly, repetition and hassles ensue. Expert conferencing software providers incorporate ITU standard G722.1 or similar codecs like G711, iLBC and iSAC when webRTC is the underlying platform. Coding and API integration take into account various devices used and the bandwidth use to ensure a steady stream of packets and crystal clear audio.

That is on the part of the audio conferencing software provider to take care of codecs and lost packet recovery processes in the background. One can assume that the conferencing software provider’s team has done its best. How the user makes use of the conferencing software also plays a vital role and there are ways one can improve conferencing.

Recommended practices – know how to use the software
The audio conferencing solution is a tool. It helps if employees who make use of conferencing know how to use the tool, something about audio and the equipments. There are basics like setting the microphone audio volume on their device and on the headset or loudspeaker that can make a difference. If mic volume is too low the other person cannot hear properly and call quality is affected. Too high can result in clipped signals again resulting in distortion and lack of clarity. Familiarity comes with practice and if an employee is to use the software he would do well to conduct trials before a serious conference gets underway.

Quality of microphone and type
Microphones range in price and type from the simple and cheap to sophisticated and expensive. Microphones can be omnidirectional, bipolar or cardioid.
Omnidirectional mics tend to pick up all ambient noise that can adversely affect audio quality.
Bipolar microphones are good if two people are sitting across the table and share a single microphone.
Cardioid types are best since they are unidirectional but if two or more people participate then it is not recommended.
Further, one must take care to keep the microphone close and talk directly into it to ensure audio clarity and volume.
There are further options such as choosing a microphone with a built in mute switch.
If there are several participants across the table then it may be a good idea to have a microphone for each going into a mixer control box whose output goes to the VoIP conferencing platform.
If you use a loudspeaker then special care must be taken in positioning the speaker and mics to avoid feedback and feedback howl.
One quite important factor is ambient noise. Ceiling fans, air conditioners and printers working in the background generate sound that is picked up by the microphone and interferes with speech clarity. It is best to engage in audio conferencing in quiet environments.
Not everyone has this luxury or needs it: sound proof the room to cut down on audio reflection from walls, ceiling and floor.

Even if it is a video conference, the audio part is the most important one. Choose the right conferencing software and complement it with right microphones and best practices to ensure crystal clear audio.

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