Benefits of Integrating WebRTC into your Business Video Conferencing Solution

WebRTC is gaining traction since it first put in an appearance a couple of years ago. Given its obvious advantages in that it works on a capable browser and does not need users to download software, it is the ideal conferencing solution. Further, it not only enables audio-video chats and conferences but also presentations and document sharing. WebRTC video conferencing solution is the perfect balance of cost and performance. Of course, one needs a developer to integrate it into your existing communication setup or conferencing solution but once you do you will see its benefits.


WebRTC lends itself easily to API integration and customization with existing business video conferencing solution. It can just as well be optimized to work in browsers like Chrome, Opera and Firefox. There is no need for any additional software to download, especially for anyone invited to join a chat or conference. They simply log in with credentials you provide and use the WebRTC video conferencing solution.

It is more than conferencing

Traditional business conference simply allows audio and video interactions. WebRTC goes beyond conferencing. You can show presentation within the video. You can exchange mail or share documents during the conference and take advantage of live interaction, the same as if you were sitting across a table. All transactions are recorded as proof or for you to review later on.

Freedom from hardware

One of the joys of WebRTC for audio-video chat is that you do not need cumbersome hardware of dedicated conference rooms with the right set up. A desktop computer with microphone, webcam and speakers are sufficient. You can use a smartphone with a capable browser to initiate a conference or join one. No hardware means no maintenance and no additional costs.

Relatively less affected by internet bandwidth and speed

When you have the right vendor expert in SVC integrations you do not have to worry about slow internet speeds causing dropped packets and loss in voice clarity or video with lags. Audio and video stay in sync and you can enjoy clear high definition audio, which is important for communications.

It becomes an everyday affair

Dedicated video conferencing means you have to set it up in advance and use a dedicated room. With WebRTC you can have collaborations and conferences all the time. Employees need not move from their desks and they can start or join a conference or chat using their desktops or mobile, from office or from wherever they are located. Teams can collaborate. Use it for training. Use it for interaction with sales and production as well as with customers.

It is free

WebRTC is free but you do pay developers for development of apps or for integration. However, WebRTC is backed by giants like Google and Mozilla and you have a community of developers contributing to its advancement. Bet on WebRTC and your solution will stay current in the time to come. Who knows? It may include AR and VR in the future as well as language translators.

The trick to getting it right is to engage experts in WebRTC developments and API integration.


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