The Difficulties You Should Take Into Account While Concrete Resurfacing

At some point, you will have to address problems with concrete resurfacing in your home. Even though concrete is designed to last, nature can result in deep cracks and surface degradation that requires repair. When the concrete is cracked, you will have two options for repairing: either refer to a company which can resurface your concrete or learn how to do it yourself. Doing it yourself saves you money while giving the worn, pitted, or stained concrete surfaces on your floor a decent appearance. Also, in case you are going to sell your real estate, resurfacing your concrete will bring additional value to your home. For this, you should have a home evaluation checklist or refer to a property management group to know which other steps are important while selling real estate.
Coming back to concrete resurfacing, you can resurface most concrete floors be it on the patio, driveway, garage, and pool area. You may want to mix the concrete material by yourself using cement, sand, and water or choose to purchase commercial pre-mixed resurfacing material. Here are few difficulties you may encounter while concrete resurfacing.

Cleaning the area to be resurfaced

It is a daunting task to remove any loose concrete on the floor. Sweeping it off with broom won’t work efficiently. You might find it appropriate to clean the concrete surface with water from a power washer or a high-powered hose. You need to ensure that the concrete has been cleaned completely. The cleaning is done to enable the resurfacing material to adhere firmly to the old surface.

Mixing the resurfacing material

It is critical that you mix the sand, cement, and water in appropriate ratios. The recommended proportion of water to the concrete resurfacer is 1:7. It may be necessary to do the mixing using a drill and a paddle mixer. However, a shovel works well most of the times. When mixing the concrete resurfacer, you have to add the water in bits until you acquire the desired consistency. You must ensure the mixture doesn’t have any lumps. If necessary, you can add a colored powder to the mixture.

Pouring the concrete

At times, the area you are resurfacing may be a bit dry. Therefore, you need to dampen the area with water before pouring the concrete resurface onto it. You may sprinkle a thin layer of cement. You may be in a hurry and pour all the concrete resurfacer at once, which means that it dries before you spread and level it. Pour only a small amount at a time while spreading it over the surface using a trowel. Start at on section before moving to the next. A concrete float can assist you in smoothening the resurfacing job. Sometimes the resurfaced area may become slippery, and you can reduce it by sweeping a broom across the surface before it hardens. Give the cement time to dry since it takes longer during cold conditions. The waiting time will be longer during colder conditions. You are not advised to cover the surface as it dries unless when protecting it from rain.

Concrete temperature

The strength and set time is determined by the temperature of the concrete. Cement sucks water when hydrated and forms crystals around the aggregate particles. Crystals form quickly in hot temperature but are weaker. Higher temperatures decrease the strength of the resurfaced concrete. Slump decreases rapidly in hot weather, and more water is needed for mixing.
The problems encountered when concrete resurfacing can easily be solved If you take your time in doing it. You can consult a constructor whenever necessary.

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