- Decentralized travel booking market place

There is a new disruptor in the travel booking market place and the name is Concierge . It is a global online booking market place built upon the NEO decentralized blockchain where travellers and merchants are offered peer to peer communication enabling direct dealing with zero percent booking or commission fee
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Concierge is looking to connect consumers and vendors directly, which would allow them to discuss deal details with 0% fees or commissions to middlemen. This allows the consumer to get more bang for their buck because vendors could offer better deals while still being very profitable
Current centralized market leaders (e.g., Airbnb. com, take 15-45% booking fees from vendors which prices are passed onto consumers more often than not. Added to this fee, are ones from payment merchants charging around 2-3% on each transaction. marketplace UI (User-Interface) and UE (User-Experience) have been designed to give as much accessibility to both the vendor and consumers. The platform utilizes specific API’s to enable speed of transfering listings from other platforms providing maximum efficiency. Traditional payment methods (e.g. Visa/Master Card) will be an option with top cryptocurrencies also added in due course. Whilst for consumers the ease of use for now booking a hotel, tour or property utilizing cryptocurrencies is upon us. The focus towards the community will be to increase substantial worth of the CGE token. This will increase as concierge constantly grow the team bringing in both blockchain and travel industry experts and develop the platform giving an everyday usage for blockchain whilst changing the industry for the better.
This will change the entire $500 billion USD travel industry. Small local hotels and local tour providers are hit hardest by the current solutions and suffer reductions in their margins due to price strategies from said online travel booking platforms. The platform will restore equality into the travel-world and allow travellers access to high-quality products and services, rather than to those who have larger budgets for advertising has the aim and potential to break this dogma, and lift a burden off these people’s shoulders, finally giving them a chance to really make a fair return on their investment. On the other end of the spectrum, the Concierge platform also gives the little guy a chance to finally come out of the shadow, not being able to keep up with the commission rates charged by the OTA's and get a decent global exposure.
so the question is If there is 0% commission for hotels how does Concierge make money ?
For concierge to truly disrupt the Online Travel Monopolies and their 15% to 45% commission stranglehold on the hotels/tour operators the 0% commission model will do this perfectly as vendors are crying out for a better, fairer solution than what they already have. The inflow of revenue will follow a featured advertisement strategy similar to Facebook and Googles revenue models. Allowing merchants to upgraded exposure against a small CGE fee. In order to derive income from the project, the development will rely on transaction numbers and increase of platform users will initially begin its rollout within south-east Asia, targeting vendors within the region with the focus on Vietnam and Thailand to start with. Primary target consumers will be those traveling within this region from within the crypto community, but also average users. This is a key reason the platform takes both cryptocurrency and fiat currency as payment
As I write there are a lot of vendors willing to partner with Concierge . They have over 200 properties in their test area of Hanoi that have verbally agreed to go on the platform. There is no barrier to entry and they will pay 0% commission per booking. A number of hotels & resort groups and tour providers are already eager to add their respective listings on the platform, with an initial letter of intent
The first version of the platform will be a beta version and once that is stable south-east Asia will be the target for vendors and then global partnerships
For a good number of years, Concierge have stepped out from this business model and have experienced on a day to day basis what it is to follow the mainstream consensus OTA model and know first-hand that it isn't a very nice situation to be in. To be clearer one of Concierge close partners, owning and running a small luxury villa property in Indonesia had to pay USD3000 to in the past month not having a mention-worthy occupancy provided by them, in high season this runs up to USD20,000. Vacation property owners in the USA or Mexico having invested hundreds of thousands of dollars for ROI purposes are hardly breaking even because of exorbitant commissions charged by companies like VRBO (HomeAway by Expedia), providing them with constantly disappointing occupancy rates, whilst putting them in a catch 22 position; extorting them continuously for more commissions against a slightly better exposure.
image-01.jpg has the aim and potential to break this dogma, and lift a burden off these people’s shoulders, finally giving them a chance to really make a fair return on their investment. On the other end of the spectrum, the Concierge platform also gives the little guy a chance to finally come out of the shadow, not being able to keep up with the commission rates charged by the OTA's and get a decent global exposure.
The current core team and the advisors has over 150 years combined experience in the leisure and tourism industry and have built up a vast network of contacts and partners with more very experienced global travel professionals joining the team soon. They are linked to a vast array of top business people in every continent on the planet, many of whom have grown in to executive positions in companies like Marriott's, Hilton, Hyatt, Sheraton, Anantara, and many other top brand resort and hotel chains. As such, we are connected to a worldwide web of travel professionals, never being at ease with the OTA's business model.
To show the experience and detail to attention the team has, It has organized the best ever presale on the NEO platform
After an amazing 2 days of sale, both the white-list and pre-sale are now sold out. Both sales sold out in just under 4 hours, which now provides a driving focus building up to the Main-Sale on the 31st of March 2018 . The good thing was that it was devoid of all other problems that has always characterized other projects under Neo's platform . Every one was able to participate seamlessly and that made every people happy . It testifies to the nature of people running this project .
The total supply is 100 Million CGE tokens and 65% of these are being sold to the public during the Concierge ICO. The remaining 35% are split between founders, team, advisers, bounties, and future business development/market expansion is offering a sustainable concept, with 65% of the 100 million tokens to be supplied to the public. 20% of allocated supply to future developments, such as Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR), through their development partnership with SotaTek, and 15% of the total token supply allocated to their team to be distributed over a period of time
All tokens allocated to public offering if not sold by the end of the main sale will be destroyed
A couple of listing in exchanges have also been planned immediately after the main sale ends in March
Concierge is planning, willing and able to build Concierge to a global multi-million-dollar platform and realized that thanks to blockchain technology a win/win situation in the travel industry now has become a reality
They are very much aware that eyes are on them , from north to south, east to west, big hotel chains, to small tour guides, all being enthusiastic about the prospect of a non-commission business model and being able to have peer to peer communication with their future customers, being in control of the value of their services themselves, instead of having a money hungry big brother OTA’s lurking over their shoulder, interfering with their business and profits.
With one of the leanest token sales event in the short history or ICO’s Concierge has a very clever marketing approach and will use their vast array of skills to build up the vendor and user base. Over the next few weeks investors will see many partnerships announced and when word of mouth advertising starts to happen and the concept gains momentum a snowball effect will occur, and blue skies is the future, both for the traveller and the supplier.

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