Concertblog #1 Mittelaltermensa Göttingen 20th January 2018

Let's start this

I warned you that I'm going to do this. So I got a jar of Nutella a spoon and my Computerkeyboard and here it is. My first blog about a concert and it's the first one I visited this year.

At first let me show you the poster for it, that I kinda ripped from the bottom of the stage when no one was looking.

This was the third time this Event was held and my second time visiting it. Last year one of the Bands that I'm following on social Media played there and gave this Event a shoutout. I'm glad I went there. Last year was awesome, this year was different but totally awesome as well. Maybe even better than last year and closer to the Medieval music theme.

At first some work before the fun

One thing was the same as last year. To be able to drive there I had to dig up my car from a mountain of snow as I wasn't driving the second half of last week. Let me show you a picture and excuse the bad quality of this and the other photos. My phone is not particulary great at making pictures. Especially if it's dark or the subject is moving. I'll try to put the best photos in here. But here I only have this one and it's badly grained.


But I guess you see what I was talking about.

First Band; Mythemia Die Weltenwanderer

So first one up on stage even while not being first on the poster was Mythemia.
This was actually the only band playing there I knew and had seen before. Great band and a bunch of nice people.
If you one day have the chance to drink a beer or a few with them I highly recommend it. They tell great stories about their life back and on stage.
Didn't have the chance this time as I had to drive back home but after the event they probably went into some club with a few others.

So here is a first picture of them. Credit for this photo goes to h.g.pagendarmphotographer
Mythemia Hgpagendarmphotografer.jpg

another one this is mine (hence the bad quality)


The music style for this band... I don't actually know. On their Facebook page they say over themselves that their music style is "Mythical medieval folk". That probably comes closest as it's what they themselves think.
Within this style they play their own songs and sometimes some traditional or otherwise known melodies. But mostly their own stuff.

Band members are:
Rodrigo Mansilla: Lead vocals and sometimes as in the first picture a "wannabe guitar". It's probably a mandolin or something similar but I heard one of the audience members call this instrument like this and I thought it was funny.

Annie: Thats the beautiful blonde woman if you haven't noticed. She plays the Hurdy Gurdy (why is this instrument called like this in English?) furthermore she does backing vocals and plays pipes and whistles. She is the multiinstrumentalist that almost every band in this Genre has.

VanThomas der Barde: Playing fiddle, Bouzouki and doing backing vocals, another one capable of playing more than one instrument. He is the tall dude with the cool Hair by the way

Teddy: Playing the Bass on the pictures you only see his long curly black Hair and his Instrument. Nice guy by the way. Loves Snow and probably being cuddled but that last one is a wild guess.

Towky: The one playing the guitar. He is not on any of the photos... No wait he is on this one right in the back.


Der Kobold: Last but not least the Drummer. His real name is David and he is as funny as he is short ohh and after the gig he likes to drink a lot of alcohol and cause cool and embarrassing stories that can be told. He is hidden behind the drums on every photo I have besides the one at the End of this chapter that I pulled of their facebook page.

This is it actually:
and their Homepage:

Now is anything left to be said? Ohh yes they have their own cantina band song. A Instrumental piece that they play "to stretch the set" very happy and upbeat the people love it and dance and when it Ends Rodrigo steps to the microphone and says "We are the Mythemia Band we play the whole evening if you have song requests just ask. Play the same song again okay the same song again and go" Well you know the drill. After the second time he doesn't even have to say this. The Audience will do it for him sometimes even the first time if enough have attended a concert of them before.
It's called "the Wind that knos your socks off"

And now the Photo where they all are together with their fans. I'm somewhere on it as well probably hidden
credits go to SchwarzeSzeneNazifrei

Mythemia Endphoto.jpg

Lets get traditional. Second band; Poeta Magica

From now on it was blind for me. I didn't know what was to come and damn was I up for a surprise with that band.
It was great at least in my opinion. Some of the audience probably didn't like them as much as I did or at least some of their songs but songs like Ievans Polka which everybody knows where a crowd favourit.

So what is this Band and why did I like it so much.

credits for this photo to h.g.pagendarm photographer.

So this Band ,they played Traditional songs from all over Europe but with a heavy scandinavian mostly swedish influence on ther song and instrument selection.

For song selection. We had songs from France, Andalusia (A Song called Morena one of my favourites this night) and of course sweden (e.g. Älskog another one of my favourites) ohh and a song from the celtic cuture was on the setlist as well.

Now for the band.
Band leader and multimultiintrumentalist (seriously that guy played like 10 instruments) Holger Funke: A native German currently living in Germany and Sweden (start to see a pattern here?). Most of the Time he played his Nykkelharpa. A old swedish instrument roughly Translated into "key-fiddle" key as in keys on a typewriter.


Here he plays it. Now let me just list a few other instruments he played. I have photos of it but those will come later. So next to the five-ish Nykkelharpas in different pitches that he built himself by the way he played mandolin, Säckpipa (Swedish bagpipe), Bagpipes (looked and sounded like the scottish ones), hurdy gurdy (here is that word again I still think it's funny) and he also played a long pipe that I can't call by name kinda like a transverse flute mixed with a didgeridoo and It wouldn't surprise me if he could play ten more instruments.

Next one his wife (probably?) Frederike Funke on the group Photo the one on the far right.
Talking about multiinstrumentalists, you don't think she would only know one instrument. She Also plays the Nykkelharpa, Säckpipa, Vocals, and Percussions more precisely Davul, Def, Udu and Darbuka. I've heard about those but don't ask me Details. That they are drums is all I know. Ohh and on the Photos you also see her play the "wannabe Guitar".

Now to the full time vocalists.
The gorgeous Blonde Woman is called Disa Bergstrand doesn't only sound swedish, she is. And let me tell you her singing is beautiful almost elvish and she also had a big drum for some of the songs that she could hit quite well.
The lovely looking redhead and my new crush is Maria Nordseth not from Sweden but from Norway. Her voice is as beautiful as Disas and her dancing is amazing. Hope to see her sing again sometime soon.

After this small digression back to the instrumentalists. The fourth and final woman in the Band is Katja Huette. She plays Nykkelharpa #anotherone and celtic harp. Something you don't see very often.

The Last one even if not on the group Photo is the drummer Thomas Schlitt.

Okay now before I really tell you why I liked the band a few more impressions








Where was I?... Ohh yes of course I wanted to tell you why I liked the Band. This is Easy, well if I could tell you what I felt while closing my eyes and just listening.

Imagine this. It's Summer you are at a lake in the middle of a forest there is a fire and you are dancing around it with your friends. Listening to this music. That is at least what I felt I wanted to do when listening to the music. In my mind this lake was one of the many they have in scandinavia or lets say Sweden, I wonder how I got that Idea...

Sweden is probably my favourite Country right before Bolivia and I fell in love with it's nature on my first visit many years ago. On this visit there actually was all those things. A lake a forest a fire music and friends some of the happiest memories I have.
It's just natural that you love music that takes you back to your happiest memories isn't it?

Now you know. Up to the next Chapter.
But before that let me post some links as I did for Mythemia


Oscula per ignem, a dance routine that could only be hotter if there was fire

First I have to say, sadly I don't have pictures of them. They weren't on stage and the Lights were out. I tried but couldn't take a Photo with my phone. I wish I could show you.

Second, what does Oscula per ignem mean? It's latin and as far as I'm concerned means "Kissed by Fire" but don't quote me on that.

Third what is Oscula per Ignem?
Oscula per ignem is a female dou of dancers/acrobatics who perform on medival events like this one and if said event is outside they dance with Fire. Sadly this time it was inside and they had no Fire, hence the title.

I actually think I have seen them before, with fire and it was awesome.

But now this evening they had no Fire what would they dance with? They had golden sabers, made out of cardboard :(, rings that normally burn, they had wings made from golden cloth and they had their bodies. And they made a show out of it. I can't really describe it but is was good.

If you wanna see Photos let me link their Facebook.

Third Band; Unvermeydbar, eine Dudelsackkapelle

Dudelsackkapelle? Yep, thats German and generally used for a Band like this, sometimes derogatory.
Translated it's simply Bagpipe Band. This one could also be called Band of Brothers even if only two of them are brothers.


Here is a Photo, there surely is some motion in this even if the Third Bagpipe is not on it.

This Nights Headliner and surely crowd favourite. It's kinda what you expect walking into a medieval market or medieval music festival in Germany at least if you have been on one before. This Band is built on pure fun as are many that are similar. Their Genre could be called "Mittelalternativ" a Mix of Medieval and Alternative. And thats what it is. Not even the Instruments they play are medieval. The Pipes are what I would call "German Market Pipes" in German simply Marktsack. Those were invented in the 80's (I think) in the GDR. They simply wanted Bagpipes but as they couldn't get the Scottish ones, you know communism and all, they built their own. And they built them how they imagined a Instrument like this would sound and put some medieval flair on it. This is the result and it's widely used in the scene. Even I myself play a downscaled, quieter and most important cheaper version of it. They also are Heavyly influenced by Bands like In Extremo, Corvus Corax, Shelmish, Cultus Ferox and Tanzwut


Here is another Photo.

So how was it you ask? I was a party. They played a mix of their on stuff and more traditional songs, some of those are in my own repertoir as well for those of you able to read music sheets I put one in.

Ali Ben.JPG

Another thing that represents the charm of a band like this are the things they say between their songs. It's a mix of announcing the next song, puns, funny stories and making fun of Bandmembers and friends. For example Rodrigo from Mythemia who himself is a big fan of Unvermeydbar and stood in the Audience was messed around with multiple times.
The one talking were the two brothers, one played the backpipe and one is the guy with the big belly drum.

I wish I could tell you as much about the Band members as I could for the other bands but I don't have any sources so I don't even have all their names. Lets just list the ones I know.

First one on the Bagpipes and sometimes vocals, one of the brothers, the one in the middle of the three pipers, second his brother playing the belly drum and the stupid announcements his Name is Benedict as far as I heard. They called themselfes the Geilhuber Brothers this is of course not their real surname. Then the beautiful girl on the fiddle is Enikö Kovacs and that is actually her real name.
The second male bagpiper was simply called Brother Mozeps or the Bachelor depending on who you ask.
The drummers stage name was Pech der Vogel which translated to English means the Jinx The last one on the third set of Bagpipes and Rauschpfeife is the "Bandmother" I don't know her stage- or her real name but it had something to do with silver Hair.

Some more Photos?





You may see they had fun on stage and we in the Audience had at least as much fun. And this is what it's about
Here is their Facebookpage:

Now the last Photo and this time I'm actually on it, if you know me you can see it.

credit: SchwarzeSzeneNazifrei

So this was it for this Night. If we now go back to the Poster you might ask whats about Tribe Spirit? Sadly they couldn't play. It's only a Duo and one of them got sick. If I get to see them at a later point I'll write something for sure.

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