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My mother and meetup steemit east aceh

Good morning before lunch.!
My steemian brethren wherever you are ...!
Today is February 26, 2018, there is where the passing of Meet Up aceh east bereh ,,, in the heart raging. Want it to shout the weight of the load is gone but what power myself just ordinary people who have family responsibilities. image
Heart desire to accompany my husband @myus in MEET UP BEREH event held a few days ago, in idi rayeuk, which is very crowded the arrival of the stemian both from east aceh own as well surrounding, will still myself can not take myself in the event because my mother in sickness, my day a little chaotic when my husband went on one side I need a friend to take care of the children and my mother who was sick, but my sister came from the city langsa, in my heart was smiling happy .. my husband went to follow The event that was held MeetUP but occasionally I send a message and call him yes .. Although a little annoying activity but I also miss my husband. Under these conditions. It did not stop there my mother's condition is getting worse that continue to throw up and moaning his stomach in pain not to mention his blood sugar is very high and his blood pressure went up until finally in the afternoon we agreed to take my mother to the hospital Zubir mahmud ,!

With a sad heart I re calling my husband to come home with me because my heart is very worried about my mother until I forget that she is busy at the MeetUP event.
On the other hand my heart is eager to gather with them Stemian friends who attended the ceremony what else he said the arrival curator indonesia @levycore and his comrades ,, which has long fame name in the world of steemit ..
finally I will surrender and mengiklaskan all that, and grateful still can feel the atmosphere of the meetup through my husband story and post other friends ...
Congratulations to the chairman of KSI Aceh Timur who has inaugurated bg @ilyasismail hopefully more forward and more solit ... image

Thank you for visiting his blog
By @imur happy greetings


Selamat pagi menjelang siang.!
Saudaraku para steemian dimana pun anda berada...!
Hari ini tanggal 26 februari 2018, ada lah dimana telah berlalunya Meet Up aceh timur bereh,,, dalam hati berkecamuk. Ingin rasanya berteriak agat beban itu hilang namun apa daya diriku hanya orang biasa yang memiki tanggung jawab keluarga. image
Hasrat hati ingin menemani suami ku @myus dalam acara MEET UP BEREH yang digelar beberapa hari lalu, di idi rayeuk, yang sangat ramai kedatangan para stemian baik dari aceh timur sendiri maupu sekitarnya, akan tetap diriku belum bisa menyempatkan diriku dalam acara tersebut dikarena ibu ku dalam keadaan sakit, hari ku sedikit kacau saat suami ku pergi di satu sisi aku butuh teman untuk menjaga anak-anak dan ibuku yang sedang sakit, namun adik perempuanku pun datang dari kota langsa, dalam hati aku pun tersenyum bahagia.. Kurelakan suamiku pergi mengikuti Acara Yang dimanakan MeetUP itu namun sesekali akupun mengirim pesan dan menelponnya ya.. Walau sedikit mengganggu aktivitasnya namun aku pun merindukan suamiku. Dalam kondisi seperti ini. Tidak berhenti disitu saja kondisi ibuku semakin parah yang terusmenerus muntah dan merintih perutnya kesakitan belum lagi gula darah nya yag sangat tinggi dan tekanan darahnya pun naik sejadinya sampai akhirnya di sore hari kami sepakat membawa ibuku kerumah sakit Zubir mahmud,!
Dengan hati sedih aku kembali menelfon suamiku agar segera pulang menemaniku karena hatiku sangat khawatir tetang ibu sampai aku lupa kalau dia sedang sibuk di acara MeetUP itu.
Disisi lain hati ku sangat ingin berkumpul dengan mereka teman-teman Stemian yang hadir diacara itu apa lagi katanya kedatangan curator indonesia @levycore dan kawan-kawan nya seperjuagan,, yang telah lama melegit namanya di dunia steemit..
Numun akhirnya akupun pasrah dan mengiklaskan semua itu, dan bersyukur masih bisa merasakan suasana meetup itu melalui cerita suamiku dan postingan kawan-kawan lainnya... image
Selamat untuk ketua KSI east Aceh Timur yang sudah diresmikan bg @ilyasismail semoga kedepannya lebih maju dan lebih solit lagi...
Terimakasih atas kunjungan nya di blog saya
By @imur salam bahagia

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