This Looks Intersting A Decnetralised Operating Sytmem (nos) v0.4.6?

I was in between tasks on my pc when I came across this site I then looked at a little from the front page on the website, it looks really interesting and sort of cool, better than I expected it's a nicely made site and it's pointing to here for the files

I have no idea being not that savvy with all the ipfs and blockchain, I am in my infant days of understanding the smallest snippet, but I do understand operating systems and this to me was a really intriguing adventure to try in the very near future just for kicks.

I'm hoping it's an operating system as the claim makes and not a simple dapp frontend server system ui.

Any way I'd love to hear what it's like if anyone has or is or will be trying it out before me then please let lend us some feedback on nos so we can find out if it's all that, or will it be a argh drat when it's installed and it's like a empty vessel waiting to be filled, you know like some of these dapps appearing with zilch in them, you know the kind of apps where if it was voice controlled you'd hear it echoing from how sparse the server is lol.

Any way let us know i'm interested and I am sure others will be to.


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