A promise to myself: learning and growing

I started making my first website yesterday.

It's dinky and nowhere near done, but its gonna be mine. I told myself at the start of this process that I would buy myself a chip computer when I made my website, but it seems they're discontinued. That got me looking for a replacement of similar construction and I found that there's a whole world of these single board computers out there that are really really cool! I'm gonna get one but haven't decided which yet.

I'm leaning toward the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ but I'm undecided. It's almost quadruple the cost of the $9 C.H.I.P. that I originally had in mind. The Pi though is something I've actually heard of, which means there's a good net of support for them. If my non-technical self has heard of it, its gotta be legit.

With a bit of open mindedness (a quality I'm trying to grow in myself), I can easily see how this project can grow into much bigger things. Especially when you figure in my personality type. I take things to the extreme. We'll see where it goes; this computer stuff is a new chapter for me. Nobody tell my family. They already think I have problems with my hobbies lol

Stay relevant y'all


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