Compumatrix Brings Cryptocurrency To The Masses With SPECTACULAR Virtual Prepaid Cards (VPCs)

This is most likely the first time that you are hearing about Compumatrix, but what you don't realize is that you are going to be hearing about Compumatrix quite a bit in the upcoming weeks, months, and years! The buzz has started and that buzz is going to get big and loud. Why?

Compumatrix is a company, a community, and a concept that has been "under construction" for roughly 12 years and NOW it is Decentralized. The concept revolves around people helping people globally through Engaging, Enriching, and Enhancing Life with the use of cryptocurrency, decentralized platforms, and exciting tools that simplify the use of cryptocurrency to the point that it is EASY for people to enter into the use of it.

With the use of a SPECTACULAR Compumatrix Virtual Prepaid Card (VPC) you won't even need Coinbase, or ANY Exchange, to buy Bitcoin (BTC) or Etherium (ETH)!!! You won't even need an Exchange to buy BitShares (BTS). All you will need is to find a Compumatrix Member to buy a VPC from, Peer to Peer (P2P).

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The "long awaited opening", of this life changing company, is about to END with the "ACTUAL OPENING" of the Compumatrix Digital Asset Portal (CDAP) in the very near future. By the way, this is NOT a Network Marketing or Multilevel business opportunity or company.

This decentralized company is using BOTH BitShares and Steemit to move things forward in a major way for the Members. Just wait and see what Compumatrix does for people and communities around the world. The buzz is just starting and very soon you will hear it loud and clear. When you do, be sure to check it out for yourself so you can also participate in this profitable evolution of business. Bitcoin (BTC), BTCCORE, Etherium (ETH), Compuceeds, Cryptoceeds, and other cryptocurrencies are are interwoven into this massive project in ways never before seen in business.

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