is what it is

Some days, yes, the fatigue issues may hold me back,but the days that I feel the best, I want to make the most of those days. It’s remarkable to me, how even in death and sadness, there are still reminders of the beauty of life.

Despite the evil in this world. The world can knock us down, this disease can knock me down, but each day we are given another chance. I’m going to take every day and every chance I get, and while some days I may fall short, I’m going to do my best.

That’s all I can do, On the good days where I’m feeling good I will clean or even organize something even though most things don’t need cleaning. I guess thats the “clean- a- holic” in me.

What more can I say…oh a part where one feels alone, its basically “me” “I” and “myself” going head-on into the Multiple Sclerosis world. I will say as always... I say that “I” will tell “me and myself to eat”.…

All in All I am sad about whats happening to me, sadder for the person that is sticking around with me, don’t know why….
it is what it is…..

I am happy, glad that Compumatrix is or I should say “has” become a place that is family for “all” to become successful no matter what the hinders are. I’m comfortable here… when it starts flying forward…I’ll be able to get my life better, as in getting items to help me.

Many THANKS to all BODS, CEO, RR’s, all those that worked so hard in the background,especially HENRY BANAYAT

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