Building 'the system'. Yes, soon there will actually BE one! Neat, right?

Now, you may ask yourself when reading the title... 'what?'...

To this I say... don't worry, I will obviously attempt to explain myself in the content of this post... else, I would not be very good at titles (or blogs, for that matter... ) would I?

But seriously...

All joking aside... I'm sure everyone at one point or another has heard someone say the words 'the system' while in reference to one or another (most likely annoying) situation they may run into during any given 'daily life' scenario... but...

What is 'the system'?

Now, this is where it gets a bit complicated... because, as far as I can tell, 'the system' is essentially an arbitrary term that throws a bunch of loosely-tied laws from the 1800's, together with other nonsense laws that benefit certain people in certain scenarios, when the people are aware and part of 'the ones who know'...

The whole thing just SCREAMS 'nonsense'.

I don't know about you, but I personally don't know at all why people seem to think what is going on with 'the system' is good enough to be the system that actually runs our world... (speaking in the case of US citizens of course, as this is where I am currently.... but given what I've heard from multiple sources outside the US... 'the system' is a term that can at least loosely apply to nearly any country in the world.)

So I guess the answer to the heading above... is 'not a real system that has loopholes, and years of flawed laws desperately trying to hold it all together in a new world, and seemingly doing a very bad job at accurately portraying itself to the general public in an understandable fashion.'

But that's too long, so I'll just call it... 'BS'. That's much easier!

Of course, I'm not going to just say things without letting people have their chance to be heard, so by all means LET ME KNOW if you agree or disagree!

(the section below, is going to make the assumption of 'agree' for the basis of this writing.) :)

Agree - the system is BS, and antequated... but what can we do?

Well, it seems to me, the first logical step here... would be to actually CREATE... a SYSTEM. (I know, right? mind blowing idea! You heard it here first!) Seeing as we have a whole lot of this newfangled 'blockchain' technology coming about these days... one would assume there's gotta be 'something to it', right? I mean, it can't all be scams and drug money, can it? There seem to be smart people doing things now...

Idea - utilize newfangled blockchain tech, to create a REAL system

  • done and done.
  • wait, this seems hard...
  • okay so, it's much harder than I thought...
  • do it anyway!

The existing platforms - don't measure up... unfortunately.

What do we have now? In the blockchain space I mean... platform wise, that can be utilized for a project of this magnitude...

Not too much. That's the frank answer. I have done many years of direct communication with as many developers as possible in the space, and have realized, we quite literally don't have a whole lot of GOOD options to choose from when it comes to creation of a 'scalable, fast blockchain, with data storage functionality, and complete ability to customize every aspect of governance, and create completely new ideas'...

Well, I guess more adequately... That shit is HARD.

Create 'The team' of 'the ones'

In order for this vision to come to fruition, a team had to be carefully selected over the period of MANY YEARS. Honor upheld, trust maintained, and all T's dotted and eyes crossed. ;)

This kind of thing is something that is WELL BEYOND what I believe to be THE PATIENCE LEVEL of MOST OF THE PEOPLE IN THE SPACE. So... because of this (and many other reasons...) we have not seen it actually take place...YET!


I have, with the help of multiple extremely talented individuals... helped to create a blockchain platform that is quite literally capable of anything. The first round of explaining detail is coming soon. So make sure you check back often for my next post. This year is going to be VERY INTERESTING. To say the least. ;)

<3 - crowetic

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