I personally think we developed language because of our deep need to complain. (Lily Tomlin)

This is meant to be a funny quote, but there is unfortunately, a lot of reality in the quote as well. Why is that? It would be extremely interesting to have a counter at us measuring the number of words we speak per day, and then number how many positive and encouraging things we say, how many neutral things we say, and how many negative (complaining) or speaking bad of others.

Source: Bing

I have no clue what would come out, but I do believe many of us would be surprised at the level of non-constructive words (rather destroying words) that we use, and how few of them are building up the people surrounding us and ourselves.

You can that when we complain, we are normally feeling sorry for ourselves, and living in self-pity is seldom a fruitful activity.

So, try to be positive today, and cheer for yourself and those in your environment.

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