State of the Sndbox Thumbnail Competition [April Winners + Upvote Prizes]


Thank You!

Last Wednesday, we opened up our 8th competition round of the State of the Sndbox Thumbnail competition. All Steemians were invited to compete for voting prizes and the winner would have their entry used as the cover of our April newsletters. Thank you to everyone (over 100 entries) who participated in this fun creative challenge! Let’s get right into the winners -

First Place [100% Upvote] @gamsam

Congratulations to @gamsam for the winning entry! The image is super sleek and chic, taking on a very different feel than entries we’ve seen before. The abstraction of the logo’s colors makes for a very dynamic billboard that will be sure to broadcast the @sndbox good word far and wide. Also, we modified the text positioning slightly to make it more visible and centered in the thumbnail preview (we hope that’s ok!).


Support the original post, here.

Second Place [50% Upvote] @aaronhong

2nd place goes to @aaronhong! This entry is a wonderful interpretation of the @sndbox colors and aesthetic, transformed into Korean-style folklore imagery. The composition is spectacular as if coming straight out of a storybook!

Support the original post, here.

Third, Fourth, Fifth [20% Upvote Each]

Congratulations @thillustrator. Yet another fantastic entry by this veteran designer, this time with a playful funhouse rendering. Support the original post here.

Congratulations @raizel. @raizel’s entry is super fun and unique, making us feel like Ironman for the day. Support the original post here.

Congratulations @louis88. A wonderfully straightforward and crisp design that also makes for a great gif! Support the original post here.

Honorable Mention goes to @ran.koree. Of all the hand-drawn entries of past, this one jumps out. Support the original post here.

Thank You Everyone!

We have had some incredible entries for our April Thumbnail Competition. A big congratulations to @gamsam for the winning entry and an every bigger thank you to everyone who submitted. Stay tuned for next month!

September competition results here.

October competition results here.

November competition results here.

December competition results here.

January competition results here.

February competition results here.

March competition results here.


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