A Woman Delivers Food To Homeless Family And Then Comes Up With A Plan To Help

A mother, father, and their three daughters go from living in a school bus to their own house thanks to a generous heart.

We have all had our share of struggles and at times can't seem to catch a break. It's the circle of life if you would. Olivia and Eric were at this stage in their lives when a woman by the name of Virginia Finch was just delivering food to the homeless on Thanksgiving day when she heard of a family of 5 who were in need for more than just food.

When Finch and her daughters delivered the food to the family living in a semi converted bus she couldn't bear the thought of leaving them like that. Not with a baby, a toddler, and a 5 year old out in the cold especially knowing the baby had no crib to sleep in.

“There’s no way I’m going to leave a baby with no crib for a bed on Christmas,” Finch thought to herself.

As Eric, Olivia, and their children set across the US they break down in Greeley, Colorado. With the holidays in play depression sunk in and the thought of celebrating quickly fading away, she thought to herself that joy and warmth the holidays bring was going to be nonexistent.

After hearing the heartbreaking story, Finch and her daughters assemble a plan to help the family and give them something to really be thankful for.

Finch thought about the second house her family was going to sell and decided to make the struggling family an offer they couldn't refuse. When the homeless family was presented with the proposition she immediately thought it was some kind of joke.

Link below to this beautiful story.


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