A Quick Note From Central WA as we Prepare for Enforced Quarantine.

Washington is a hot spot for Covid19. We have community circulation as well as many deaths here. Our Governor, Jay Inslee has been warning us for days to prepare for enforced quarantines.

With the announcement of closing schools and the President declaring a State of National Emergency today was the day everyone took it seriously.

The bulk of my shopping was done a few days ago. However, Today I was babysitting a 6 year-old member of my family and we needed to run into Safeway for a few last minute, but important items.

The lines at the checkout counters reached out the doors and the store was packed. There were many empty shelves and store employees continued to stock shelves while locals politely waited in line, talking about Virus the potential shut downs etc. The mood was an acknowledgement of a serious and unusual situation, but without panic.

With our items gathered we joined the long lines to check out stands. People were visiting with each other and although things were serious, there was an attitude of acceptance that no one involved was at fault.

The lady in line behind us revealed that she is 76 and lives with and cares for her mother. She needed a few things before heading home. The man behind us, upon hearing this information offered his phone number and offered to help if they needed anything.

Over the next hour everyone in our line shared personal stories, offered assistance to each other and we all knew each other's names. By the time we were checking out there were air hugs (no one wants to touch anyone) and wishes wellness and calm.

I'm not going to comment on how serious or not I think the virus is, but clearly the response has been serious and possibly dangerous as we prepare for lock downs, closed schools and a shortage of supplies, here in Central WA decency and a spirit of cooperation prevails.

If there are true food shortages that may change, but remember those crazy people who are always on the news? There wasn't so much a one rude person in Safeway today.

For a bit of time I plan to use my blog to capture little stories about how the Virus and resulting government actions are impacting the people I see and know.

How are things where you are? Let's document this unprecedented event and share with each other real stories.


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