what is online community anyway, trusting the trustless or just submissive sheep in a ledger of brains in pots.

I’ve been struggling to sort the different between trusting in the trestles and the notion that we are either beings that like to play textual masterbation with our submissive hidden human level gradings. It’s kinda everywhere.

From live streaming ‘communities’ — i.e, people that follow a person and sit and watch for hours and hours each day for ‘entertainment’ or to augment the fact that what they have is what they think they want. I find it all very odd.

The word community on the internet today seems polluted, overused, sounds like a cheesy hook that a startup bunch of kids high on energy drinks and blanks cheques from the bank of mom and dad get notions of changing the world because they are boundless.

You start to apply decentralised to that notion and well, you just don’t know who really is who, a username and a profile picture mean nothing, your words, but mainly your actions define who you are — but then, you could be using that to play your own game of the alt you anywhere. So where does that leave us, the human meat sack that get’s bombarded by the daily white noise feed of whatever the internet’s arse decided to scratch today.

I have no idea, really, I don’t even know what a human being looks like in this century. After seven weeks of isolation and a terrible diet of backup rice, flour and lentils we are hitting peak gluten and ‘stomach mass’ activity that is clouding the very judgement centres I used to rely on for entertainment.

The poor old body needs a vacation away from itself.

I see a lot of people believe they are in a community, they are here and there online, people create groups, do this wondering thing called “engaging” even that word screams of piss and vinegar in 2020. It’s like a loop or a sample hook that everyone is suddenly addicted too.

I’m half expect Kylie Minogue to break out a vocal over the top of it, the ultimate cheese heiress when it comes to everything pop and formulaic.

I’m a fleshy person, I like to meet the other fleshy humans, watch their nuances, how they package themselves on the daily, not the one that turns up farting and picking their nose as they sit at their keyboard mumbling under their breath, typing out the first line of a response incredibly fast and then back spacing the delete key when they realise they became unhinged.

Can’t have the community see the weakness or vulnerability, people have an expectation of you now. You must comply, your very virtual status level is bound to it. Love that black mirror episode — especially the truck driver who has an incredibly low “social” score and yet is delivering the base level elements the startup food delivery services need to actually produce.

In many ways I guess a lot of my views on community has been formed from terrible movies. Take the man with two brains for instance, it’s visual chaos from a golden time of comedic genius of Steve Martin and a whole bunch of actors who made a shed load of content in comedy and horror, it’s a who’s who of these thrown together Hollywood talent pool.

Also, weirdly I found the whole movie on YouTube) — seems that got uploaded recently by someone called Rage2.. . lol.. .. I don’t expect it to be there long.. .. maybe grab it to watch asap if your feeling stoned or looking for some 80’s flash back classic Steve Martin.

-- this part feels very much like when a new user signs up for a decentralised blockchain ;)

Dr. Micheal a widowed brain surgeon marries Dolores a scheming gold-digger. Later he meets and falls in love with a bottled brain in Vienna, the city of the elevator serial killer

Anyway, I’m not sure where the fuck I was going with this, maybe isolation is getting to me. Maybe what I mean that trustless is an illusion in a blockchain system where you have a collection of people aligned based on a shared collective ethic which emotionally changes the way consensus is meant to work — do shared truths change based on herd culture or are do we form immunity to believe anything different?

Also I miss cheese and crackers.

Gonna be a weird fucking monday.

__humble x

p.s — grab yaself the hivelive.carrd.co non protection face mask (n95 filter not supplied or will protect you from future forks)

pinterest epic wins pinboard → brand advocate for nokia, 1000heads, verisign → won vloggie for node666 (san fran 2006) → television for time team history hunters 1999 → sold me.dm to evan williams in april 2011 → went to phil campbell, alabama to help raise money after tornado (was on sky news, bbc news)→ CNN for sxsw 2013 about austin sxsw → video chat with robert scoblemusic video can you spot me?

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