My Redfish Rockets Need Your Support Just As Much As My Delegation!

2 weeks ago, I delegated SP to some promising newcomers. Since community support is equally important, I'd really appreciate if you would pay them a visit.

meet and support my redfish rockets.png

Redfish Rockets

2 weeks ago, I delegated part of my Steem Power to a couple of newcomers of who I thought they could add value to the Steem blockchain.

After all, as long as the Resource Credits system is in place, it is almost impossible for a newcomer to grow his account.

By delegating some of my Steem Power, I'm trying to give some of them a chance to survive and become part of this amazing community.


SteemIt Is One Big Hurdle

Let's be honest here: getting started on SteemIt isn't easy. The first couple of weeks/months, it feels like you've arrived on a different planet. You don't speak the language, you don't know anyone and you don't know how things are done.

We've all been there.

Personally, it took me several months to find my way around here, and during those months, I quitted at least once a week. It felt like it was impossible to even get the basic idea of what I got myself into.
I only survived because I was too stubborn to simply give up.

You can't deny that this entire ecosystem is one big hurdle. There's so much you need to learn that it takes a strong will to make it through those first weeks.


This post serves multiple purposes: it's not only an evaluation of how they have done during these last two weeks, but also a way to introduce them to you. They can all use a little extra motivation, and since we're always bragging about how amazing this community is, I'm counting on you to show them you support them.


Top Performers

Let's start with the good news. I'm following up on my delegatees quite regularly, and some of them are doing really good. It's obvious they aren't intimidated by the steep learning curve, and they're giving all they have to overcome all difficulties a SteemIt newcomer has to face.


Click the images to visit the posts

@helen-derwent is one of those people. I'd like to invite you to drop by her blog. She's posting motivational/inspirational post almost daily, and believe me, she knows what she's talking about. There's a lot of wisdom to be found in her posts.


@mr-science is also doing a very good job. His content goes beyond my comprehension, but if you are into science, I can highly recommend checking out his posts about mathematics, astrology and more science-related topics.


@nurseanne84 was already doing great, that's the reason she was selected to become my first Redfish Rocket. I can't really put a label on the posts on her blog, but they are all very personal. Again, please support here by paying her a visit.


@pepijin has a very interesting approach. He spends most of his time trying to figure out how the platform works. He doesn't post that often, but he is definitely in for the long run. He's smart, and already figured out things I had never heard of. It would help him a lot if you could drop by his blog every once in a while, because he has a lot of questions, and I don't know all the answers, lol.


On his blog, @neonihilist puts some very interesting articles in the spotlight. But he also writes his own content. I especially liked his article about how in the near future human kind will use "our advanced technology to slowly but inevitably replace our biological chunks with advance robotic parts for the sake of longevity." He's definitely not the average guy with the average content, but his blog is definitely worth a visit.


If you are into photography, go check out the blog of @vision20twenty. He's still learning how to present his pictures to an audience, but he has some very nice pics on his blog and I'm sure that a little encouragement and constructive feedback, will help him to learn fast.



Off And On

I don't want to push people - everybody has to grow at his own pace - but still, I regularly have the urge to go out and motivate people to step up their game. Mostly because I would really regret it if they wouldn't stick around. Every time they disappear from the radar for a couple of days, I start to worry.
Fortunately, they always pop up again at one time or the other.

@josietrueblood is one of those people. She was off to such a good start, but I assume that she's not like many of us and does have a busy real-life life, lol.

I've also grown very fond of @krazzytrukker, and I truly hope he keeps on going, in spite of the fact that he has a valid reason to lose his motivation. Being new on the platform, he has already been hit by multiple downvotes from the infamous 'Camillesteemer' (not going to put an @ before her name - I prefer to let sleeping dogs lie.)

Fortunately, this account, that randomly flags users, has been disarmed, so the downvotes have no effect.

For those of you that are not familiar with the account you can find some more info here.

Anyway, @krazzytrukker, I really hope you'll be sticking around. I know you have a busy life, but keep us up-to-date about Sammi Jo's adventures! 😉


Need A Little Push

Some of my delegatees are difficult to evaluate. They don't post very often and they have the tendency to disappear for a couple of days. I decided to keep a close eye on their accounts for a little while longer, because I truly believe they have potential, they just need to step up their game a little.

Maybe some encouragement from the community will motivate them to become a little more active.

@sosadraws, for example, creates amazing art. if you are an art-lover, you should really pay her a visit.

I've already learned @eliasgerald is a great guy who seems to be eager to learn. But with only 3 posts in 14 days, and several days between his commenting, his activity level is below average. I'd like to see you around a little more often, @eliasgerald.

One of @steemaddiction's first posts was attacked by a (different) group of random downvoters, still, she refused to let this stop her and she pushed through. I admire that. It's been a couple of days since her last comment, so I'm not sure she's still around. I do hope her absence is only temporary, because she has written some very interesting posts.

The same goes for @translogicalguy. It has been 7 days since his last post, which I think is a real shame, because the ones he posted really spoke to me. I do hope he can find the motivation to share more of his insights in life with our community.

I'm also not sure about @znkd yet. With only 3 posts in 17 days, and his last engagement being 5 days old, I can't really tell if he will stick around or not.

What I do know is that every single one of them could use a little support from the community!

After all... isn't that what the community did for us when we just started?

So get out those cheering pom-poms and take a minute to show them you care.



Last Shoutout

Unfortunately, some of my delegatees haven't been active for more than a week. I left messages on their walls, asking them to contact me, but didn't receive a reply.

I'm not perfect, and it happens quite often that I miss a reply, so I want to give them one last chance.

This post is my last shoutout. If I haven't heard from them by the time this post has reached payout, I'll be retracting the delegation.

So, @hotflash, @pieceofeightcoin and @tusiko, I recommedn you get back to me as soon as possible.

There are loads of newcomers who are struggling because of their lack of SP. It wouldn't be fair to them to leave my SP unused in your accounts!


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