Day Hiking with Foreign Workers

Canada has always been a place that embraces foreign workers who come here for 6 months to 2 years bringing their skills, culture, and experience to add to our lifestyle. However, many are trapped behind counters, busy schedules, and often do not meet the requirements here to drive (or lack the funds to drive) and therefore never get to see the reason why so many of us choose to live in the North! They literally work, then get on a plane and go to the bigger cities.

Summer 2016 was a great opportunity to change that for several foreign workers who had never left the city; a full day field trip to the mountains hiking!

There's something majestic about the entire experience. The fresh air, the smell of mountain flowers, the clear cold water, and the thrill of seeing what's around the next corner.

It gives me such a thrill to show others some of the treasures in my back yard while hopefully also displaying some ways of living that includes others and raises the bar for community living. As a new contributor to Steemit, I hope you will choose to follow me as I present some past insights, some present happenings, and future events as they unfold.

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